

Deadnight (US) - Messenger of Death 自譯: 死寂夜色 - 報喪者

Deadnight (US) - Messenger of Death

Deadnight (US) - Messenger of Death (自譯: 死寂夜色 - 報喪者) 為來自美國一張極為成功的旋律黑金/鞭笞金屬。 其樂團2008年美國首發專輯"Messenger of Death(報喪者)"獲得各界不差的評價,部分歐洲專業樂評更給予肯定的讚賞。

首發專輯Messenger of Death(報喪者)內同名樂曲更架構出整張專輯的主軸,其流暢且順耳的Riff不斷在耳裡迴盪,且帶有點80末/90初鞭笞金屬的元素。 順口的歌詞架構更巧妙的混合了旋律黑金的殘報,與鞭笞金屬的旋律。

Deadnight (US) - Messenger of Death (自譯: 死寂夜色 - 報喪者)的確是一張相當成功的首發專輯,讓我們不經期待下一張專輯的到來。也讓美國樂團在歐洲仍有一席之地。

官方網站: http://www.deadnight.net/
Official Site: http://www.deadnight.net/

Messenger of Death 報喪者 歌詞翻譯

Final night of your life.
Time to say goodbye.

Forget the world, your blood runs cold.
I am your death, now behold
忘記這世界, 流乾你的血液.

I have no mercy, I have no soul
You're all the same to me
我無靈魂, 我冷酷無情.

Human life, sacrificed
Dying to be set free
人命, 祭品.

Die, die!
Die for all the sins in
Your life, final judgement of the dark one
Tonight, death is just a new beginning
生命, 將接受嚴厲的審判.
今晚. 死亡只是開始.
He will take you to the other side
"祂" 將會帶你到新世界!!!!!

Messenger of death!

Running from your nightmares
Dying every night

Fighting fears inside your head
Eyes are turning red

Victims of the plague unfold
He is your death so now behold

Follow him right to the grave
You'll be reborn again

Die, die!
Die for all the sins in
Your life, final judgement of the dark one
Tonight, death is just a new beginning
生命, 將接受嚴厲的審判.
今晚. 死亡只是開始.

He will take you to the other side
"祂" 將會帶你到新世界!!!!!

Jim - Percussion
Scott - Rhythm Guitar
Mike - Vocals & Lead Guitars
John - Bass & Backing Vocals

Forged in the Chicago underground in 2003, DEADNIGHT began as a two-piece studio project. With their ferocious old-school thrash riffing, screaming guitar solos, and haunting atmosphere, DEADNIGHT�s blackened sound is truly unparalleled. With the successful release of 2008�s Messenger of Death, DEADNIGHT have established an international reputation as a powerful extreme metal band capable of displaying many diverse elements in their music. 2011 marked the release of their evolutionary effort, Riders of the Black Wind.

Throughout the past few years, DEADNIGHT has performed at Central Illinois Metalfest 2008, toured the United States, and shared the stage with Kreator, Exodus, Monstrosity, Brutal Truth, and Belphegor. The band is currently in the studio recording their second full-length album, scheduled for release in early 2012. DEADNIGHT will continue to push forward, breaking away from common scene trends.

"A no-frills approach that emphasizes razor sharp riffs, speedy gallops and conventional, yet skillfully written song structures goes a long way toward making the disc memorable and menacingly fun."

- Scott Alisoglu (Metal Maniacs).

"Riffs and leads soar like that of the mythical phoenix, barbarous rhythms resound from the bowels of hell, and inhumane vocals of the Dissection kind mutilate and eviscerate. That being said, if you have a predilection toward mid to late '80s thrash, Deadnight is most certainly your cup o' tea. "

8/10 - Jason Deaville (Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles)
"Tracks like Burned Alive, Keeper of Souls, Unholy Revenge and Die with Me are tight-as-fuck, blistering assaults packed and overflowing with enough Destruction/Kreator-like riff-work to transport you back in time to the mid 80’s faster than you can buckle your fucking bullet belt. Throw in a cover painting by "Ken McCracken" that would have been right at home on any King Diamond vinyl and you have one of the most essential metallic purchases of the year."

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Artas - Gangsta's Paradise (Coolio cover)

Artas - The Healing

Gangsta's Paradise是一首由Coolio演唱,並於於1995與電影結合,有關幫派生活的黑暗嘻哈樂曲。

這首歌更於"告示牌至今最佳樂曲(Billboard's Greatest Songs of All-Time)"第69名,更是1995年最佳銷售單曲。

歌詞的開頭更引用了詩篇第23篇(Psalm 23)的內容:
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

I take a look at my life and realize there's nuttin' left



"Gangsta's Paradise" is a rap song by Coolio featuring L.V.. The song was released on the Coolio album Gangsta's Paradise, as well as the Dangerous Minds soundtrack in 1995. Coolio was awarded a Grammy for Best Rap Solo Performance and two MTV VMA for Best Rap Video and for Best Video from a Film and a Billboard Music Award for the song/album. The song was voted as the best single of the year in The Village Voice Pazz & Jop critics poll.   

The song was also listed at number 69 on Billboard's Greatest Songs of All-Time and number one biggest selling single of 1995 on U.S. Billboard. In 2008, it was ranked number 38 on VH1's 100 Greatest Songs of Hip Hop



WELCOME STRANGER from Riley Blakeway on Vimeo.

強調灑脫生活風格的THRILLS,與澳洲牛仔褲 WRANGLER,這次一同聯盟推出雙方理念交會點的產品。THRILLS X WRANGLER

這次更請到Riley Blakeway為本次合作拍攝了一部長達7分鐘的為電影,充滿懸疑、緊張的氣氛,配上澳洲特有的灑脫生活態度,讓這次聯盟的產品 THRILLS X WRANGLER,更具特色。

Wrangler Australia - Keeping good company with the THRILLS X WRANGLER limited edition product capsule, we’re excited to introduce another collaborative project:


Written & Directed by Riley Blakeway

The short film is set in THRILLS’ hometown, Byron Bay, starring Vinnie Woolston, Emily Jean Bester & locals Tahnee Pinches & Mike Pringle.

Produced by Wrangler
Original score by Ali Helnwein
Styled by Jessica Roberts
Hair & Make Up - Jody Oliver
Props by Thrills Co
Assistant - Matthew O'Brien
Special Thanks - Jason Lee Parry

Shot on the Red Epic.

VAT19 - Energy Gummy Bears 能量小熊軟糖

Energy Gummy Bears

AEROSHOT曾經發明吸食用的咖啡因"AEROSHOT ENERGY"在極限運動借造成不少的轟動,但其強烈的衝擊口感讓部分消費者無法接受。

但現在VAT19發表了融合咖啡因功用與小熊軟糖甜蜜口感的"Energy Gummy Bears",在一包咖啡因容量相當於一罐RedBull的條件下,讓你在攝取咖啡因時能夠想起兒時小熊軟糖在嘴裡的甜蜜口感。

延伸閱讀 : AEROSHOT Rime Review 食用評測

Energy Gummy Bears

Energy Gummy Bears


Energy Gummy Bears are the chewable, delicious candy bear we all know and love infused with the energy-boosting ingredients found in popular energy drinks.

Featuring natural caffeine from guarana extract, each 60-calorie pack of Energy Gummy Bears is equivalent to a single energy drink without the excessive amounts of sugar and caffeine.

Made in the USA, Energy Gummy Bears are chock-full of B-complex vitamins, antioxidants, protein, and delicious gummy flavor. Try trading out that energy drink for a pack of Energy Gummy Bears. Available in single and bulk packs.

Features & specs:

  • One pack is equivalent to one energy drink
  • Only 60 calories per serving
  • Taste really darned good
  • Natural (not processed) caffeine
  • Made in the USA



Life and death in Aleppo 敘利亞內戰的生與死

GlobalPost 報社的 Tracey Shelton 於2012年9月刊登了,敘利亞內戰結至目前為止最令人震撼的照片與影片。


Aleppo(阿勒頗)的FSY(Free Syrian Army, 敘利亞自由軍)大部分都是由城市內的居民組成,他們以前都是老師、學生或者是勞工。 有時候他們就跟平常人一樣,聊天、嘴炮、喝茶或者想念已逃離的家人。


Tracey Shelton Life and death in Aleppo, From left to right: Issa Aiash, 30, father of three, his young brother Ahmed, 17, and Sheihk Mamoud, 42, father of a newborn son, laugh and joke as they clean their post Saturday.(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)
From left to right: Issa Aiash, 30, father of three, his young brother Ahmed, 17, and Sheihk Mamoud, 42, father of a newborn son, laugh and joke as they clean their post Saturday.
由左至右 Issa Aiash 30歲,三個孩子的爸;他17歲的弟弟Ahmed;Sheihk Mamoud 42歲,剛做人父。 三人一同清掃路障與聊天。
(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)

Tracey Shelton Life and death in Aleppo, A call comes through that a tank was spotted nearby. The men immediately grab weapons.(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)
A call comes through that a tank was spotted nearby. The men immediately grab weapons.
(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)

Tracey Shelton Life and death in Aleppo, Within seconds the tank blast has already hit.(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)
Within seconds the tank blast has already hit.
(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)

Tracey Shelton Life and death in Aleppo, Debris and smoke fill the street around 30 meters back - covering me and the camera in dust.(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)
Debris and smoke fill the street around 30 meters back - covering me and the camera in dust.
(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)

Tracey Shelton Life and death in Aleppo, This man was the only survivor.(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)
This man was the only survivor.
(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)

Tracey Shelton Life and death in Aleppo, He escaped with injuries.(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)
He escaped with injuries.
(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)

Tracey Shelton Life and death in Aleppo, It took several minutes before the dust cleared enough to check for more survivors, but there was nothing we could do.(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)
It took several minutes before the dust cleared enough to check for more survivors, but there was nothing we could do.
(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)

More from Tracey Shelton: Not everyone hates Bashar al-Assad
This narrow street had become a makeshift home for the men. Lounge chairs salvaged from abandoned homes formed an area for chatting and drinking tea. Meals were prepared on a grass mat in the middle of the street. We slept in a room on the lower floor in case of air raids. Lookouts were posted at each street corner to both watch and listen for new sniper positions and approaching troops and tanks.
On this morning, the men were relaxed and joking around as they cleaned their area from a tank attack the day before. That time, they had been prepared and the tank had fired too short. This time, the assault came with little warning.
More from Tracey Shelton: Surviving Aleppo (VIDEO)
As the cloud of smoke engulfed the street we ran back and frantically waited for the others to escape through the dust and debris. But no one came. In that split second, three men were reduced to broken, bleeding masses.
After a few minutes of disorientation, a vehicle arrived to transport the bodies. The survivors washed away the blood and flesh in a heartbreaking clean up.
New fighters came to take their posts. And the battle continued.
More from GlobalPost: Complete coverage from Inside Syria
Follow Tracey Shelton on Twitter: @Tracey_Shelton
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30 Awesome Custom motorikes 精選30台客製機車

30 beautiful design motorbike

機車對騎士來說是自由的象徵、自我意識的表達。 騎士的個人風格不僅借由機車表現無疑,有時候更融於機車本身的靈魂之中。


Lip Service - Halloween 2012 萬聖節 性感恐怖套裝

Follow Lip Service on TwitterForward email to a friendsubscribe to the newsletterBecome a Fan of Lip Service on FacebookBecome a Fan of Lip Service Costume Vault on FacebookLip ServiceMiss Kitty’s Parlour Presents: BLACK UNICORN –VS- BONDAGE BALL with Masuimi Max - sponsored by Lip ServiceShop all Costume Vault styles in stock!Mens Dying To Score Jacket CostumeDiego Of The Dead CostumeDahlia Of The Dead CostumeBrain Dead CostumeAbsinthe Fairy CostumeAll Stitched Up CostumeChopping Block Butcher Apron CostumeCherry Pop Girl CostumeFull Steam Ahead CostumeBedeviled CostumeSoul Collector CostumePyramid Scheme Costume

九月到了萬聖節也快到了!! 你準備好展現你狂野的一面了嗎?

Lip Service 特別選擇今日推出 2012萬聖節套裝,不管你想當福爾摩斯、德州電鋸殺人狂還是性感火辣的小惡魔,Lip Service推出的萬聖節套裝絕對可以滿足你搞怪、賣弄性感的渴望。

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EDWIN 2012 Fall/Winter Biker Clothes 愛德恩2012秋冬騎士裝

edwin-europe 2012 fall winter

騎士一向以自由、無拘束的方式過者自己的生活。 這一次愛德恩牛仔褲(Edwin)特別邀請了一群騎士,以其獨有的生活方式,加上對衣物的獨有見解,來對愛德恩2012秋冬騎士裝進行一場終極的測試。

一群騎士騎者古董BMW Cafe Racer機車,一路由法國巴黎騎自英國山峰區(Peak District)。沿路也由1974年的古董BMW 1502房車陪伴,一同紀錄這個騎士獨有的奔放旅程。

Edwin Denim is constructed with utility and daily use in mind. It is a hard wearing product, made using only premium denim fabrics.
Naturally, we wanted to test the Fall / Winter 2012 Collection out on the road, documenting times shared with our friends who rode over from Paris to join us in the colder winter temperatures of the Peak District in the United Kingdom. All riding vintage BMW motorcycles, with various hand built custom modifications, which our Parisian friends are famously known for. With the help of a 1974, 1502 BMW used as a back up vehicle, the Edwin collection was put to the test.
It made sense to be testing solid product, riding solid old machines from such a reputable company. It was an opportunity to live up to our reputations for making well constructed product with a shared sense of the freedom we all enjoy...

愛德恩官方網站 : www.edwin.com.tw
EDWIN Official Site : shop.edwin-europe.com

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戰術護目鏡 - 鏡片顏色 Tactical Goggles Lens Color



Goggles main purpose is to protect your eyes, but do you know choosing the right color of the goggle is same as choosing the goggle itself?

目前市面上主要有灰、橘、黃三種顏色的戰術護目鏡顏色 :

  • 灰色 : 灰色就如同所有墨鏡一樣可以降低周景觀的亮度,且灰色有一個特點就是周為的色彩配置並不會改變。
  • 橘色 : 橘色可以降低亮度,但較灰色不同的地方為,橘色可以提高景物對比。有時候在沙漠戰場特別有效。
  • 黃色 : 黃色搭配燈筒使用可以些微提高景物亮度,提升對比。黃色再陰天會COB戰場特別好用。 這也是為什麼SWAT特警都是使用黃色的原因。

There are 3 main colors of goggle lens on the market. Grey, Orange, Yellow:
  • Grey : Grey act just like every goggles. It decreased the brightness and didn't effect the color.
  • Orange : Orange also decreased the brightness. But different from the Grey, Orange can increased the contract of surroundings. This makes Orange sometimes suit for desert warfare.
  • Yellow : Yellow goggle with flashlight could increase the brightness and the contract. Sometimes yellow is perfect for urban or COB condition. That's why most of the SWAT are using yellow goggles. 

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Super Rat - Ducati S4RS 客製機車



這一次 Bjorklund 兄弟(Mark & Carl Bjorklun)對Ducati S4RS的改裝僅有一個目的,速度。





 Super-Rat 的官方網站 : super-rat.com
 Super-Rat Official Site : super-rat.com

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Santa Hates You - It's ALIVE Preview 怨恨耶誕 - 它還活者 專輯預告

Santa Hates You 發表了他們第六張錄音室專輯( It's ALIVE)的專輯預告,這次專輯預告接近10多分鐘,算是少見的專輯預告,雖然少了樂團訪問多少有些許可惜。

延伸閱讀 : Santa Hates You - It's ALIVE 怨恨耶誕 - 它還活者

Santa Hates You released their sixth album preview on Youtube. This time the preview is almost 10mins long tho without bands interview is a fall back.

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Beth Studenberg - Motorcycle Girl

Beth Studenberg BikeGirl

攝影師 Beth Studenberg 這次也挑了機車與女人為本次的攝影主題,在炎熱的沙漠機車與女人互相比拼清涼指數。

Beth Studenberg BikeGirl

Beth Studenberg BikeGirl

Beth Studenberg BikeGirl

Beth Studenberg BikeGirl

Beth Studenberg BikeGirl

Beth Studenberg 官方網站 : www.bethstudenberg.com
Beth Studenberg Official Site : www.bethstudenberg.com

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