

The Dyas 倖存者 末日生存電影 2011


此部電影著重於主角Mary(Ashley Bell飾演)

電影結尾的片尾曲與28天毀滅倒數(28 Days Later...)的配樂Godspeed You和In the house in a heartbeat有異曲同工之妙,整首歌製造出的懸疑和荒涼感更呼應了倖存者心中的不安,最後冷血的向僅存的少女揮出致命的一刀,末日的無情不僅是環境,更是人性。

A group of five people working to stay alive in a post-apocalyptic future discover what they think is a safe, abandoned farmhouse, but they soon find themselves fighting to stay alive as a gang of bloodthirsty predators attack.

This film is set in the near future in a post-apocalyptic time with five survivors struggling to get through each day. They are on the move to find food and other survivors as well as a safe place to hold up for a while. They stumble across a dilapidated house in the country, so they check it out when things turn bad. The house is not as safe as they hoped, and there are other people who have morbid uses for them. Will they survive? Written by Michael Hallows Eve  

