

Nixon Black Nylon Collection Nixon 黑色精選

Black Nylon nixon

Nixon近日推出了他們的精選商品,這次以黑白為設計理念(Black Nylon Collection)。Nixon的官方網站是這麼介紹這次當精選、定義黑色的的 :

黑,雖簡單但卻必要。它是永恆、它是基準,它嚴肅、沉重且難以捉摸。 世上沒有任何一種顏色可以與它的偉大相提並論。


Black Nylon nixon

Nixon recently debut their Nixon Black Nylon Collection. This is how Nixon describe on the official site:

Simply put, black is necessary. It is foundational. Everlasting. There is no other tone in the visible spectrum that speaks with the understated authority of almighty black. It is serious and severe yet subtle. This collection avoids detection, revealing itself in ballistic nylon and blackened steel.

Poetry right? But Most of the people will agree with them. 

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Movie Battleship Survival? 電影超級戰艦生存計畫?

battleship movie

超級戰艦(Battleship)是一部有關外星人入侵的科幻電影,電影中的英雄們已人類現有的武器,企圖與外星人決一死鬥,爭奪生存全。 電影的背景設定讓我們不得不探討,當類似情況發生時我們是否有生存機會?

Battleship is a movie about alien invasion. All the heroes in the movie try to fight the alien off by the weapons human have till today. The background setup of this movie made us wonder in this situation will there be any possibility of survival?

battleship movie


battleship movie
battleship movie

另外這次馬蓋先(Maxpedition or Magforce)三P攻擊背包FALCON-II BACKPACK,也出現於電影中。 馬蓋先的這款三P攻擊背包的確是一款很稱職的EDC, GHB背包,其精巧的外型容量可達25L,並有四個大容量的置物空與一個獨立水袋隔層,且各有規劃與多個藏置物袋 。

Also this time Maxpedition or Magforce's FALCON-II BACKPACK is used in the movie. The MAXPEDITION Falcon-II has all of the best features of a small/medium hunting pack or day pack, plenty of room for an overnighter(25L), and is rock solid throughout. It has modular attachment webbing all over to attach your favorite MAXPEDITION pockets. It's indeed a perfect idea of EDC, GHB backpack.


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Classified Moto Katee Sackhoff’s KT600 客製機車

Katee Sackhoff’s Classified Moto KT600

Classified Moto 一個位於美國 Virginia 洲的客製機車公司,Classified Moto 將報廢的機車賦予新生命,有時並不僅限於機車零件本身的重生,而是將其他零件再予以新生命,容入生活當中。

Classified Moto Katee Sackhoff’s KT600
Classified Moto Katee Sackhoff’s KT600

這次 Classified MotoCafe Racer TV 合作推出一台全新的客製機車 KT600 ,予電影名新 Katee SackhoffKatee Sackhoff 在電視影集星際大爭霸(Battlestar Gallactica)中強悍的表現深植人心。 但這次卻能在 Classified Moto 賦予新生的 Honda XL600R 下露出剛烈女性特有的溫暖笑容。

Katee Sackhoff 這台客製的改裝機車影片,將於第四季的 Cafe Racer TV 中撥出,我們可以預想到影片中我們將看到更多 Katee Sackhoff 的優美笑容。 屆時Katee Sackhoff 將騎車她帶有龐克、叛逆風格的潮流機車,於節目中討論女強人對機車的看法。

Classified Moto Katee Sackhoff’s KT600
Classified Moto Katee Sackhoff’s KT600
Classified Moto is a custom motorbike company based in Virginia USA. The main philosophy is to give a new life for recycled motorbikes. Sometimes enter your life with recycled motorcycle parts,too.

This time Classified Moto and Cafe Racer TV team up together to build a bike KT600 out of Honda XL600R for Battlestar Gallactica movie star Katee Sackhoff.

Classified Moto Katee Sackhoff’s KT600
Classified Moto Katee Sackhoff’s KT600

This Classified Moto motorbike will shown on the 4th episode of Cafe Racer TV.

Classified Moto Official Site 官方網站:

Cafe Racer TV Official Site 官方網站:

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Evernote Moleskine Notebooks 合作推出特仕筆記本

Evernote Moleskine Notebooks

傳奇筆記本(Moleskine)雲端記事軟體(Evernote)聯合推出特仕版的筆記本Evernote Moleskine Notebooks

筆記本,一個不管你身在何處、作任何事情都是一個讓你留住回憶,激發你無窮想像力的來源。 筆記本因該歸納於你的EDC內,筆記本可以規劃你在末日來臨時的逃脫路線、或是隨時記下增加生存記能的想法。



Evernote Moleskine Notebooks

For the first time Legendary notebook Moleskin and Cloud Notetaking software Evernote publish special edition of notebook.

Notebook, a book that goes wherever you go. A book that remember every treasure moment you have and an inspiration of your imagination. A notebook should also include in your EDC. With a notebook you could plan your escape routs when disaster strikes. Or remember your random idea of survival.

Notebook is like a time machine, memories brings you great past, and ideas builds your future dreams. 

Evernote Moleskine Notebooks

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樂評 : 聖約樂團 - 地球暗黑之源 Review : Testament Dark Roots of Earth

testament - Dark Roots Of Earth

聖約樂團(Testament)在睽違四年後又再次推出完整專輯 "地球暗黑之源"(Dark Roots Of Earth),此專輯更成為聖約樂團(Testament)的第十張專輯。身為樂團的第十張專輯不僅讓樂團邁向一個新的里程碑,也間接證明聖約樂團(Testament)依然寶刀未老。

此張專輯的風個與樂團初期專輯類似,緊密的大鼓、回彈激烈的BASS、較勁激烈的吉他對彈、更加上良好的音質,都讓"地球暗黑之源"(Dark Roots Of Earth)這張專輯在2012年未結束即可榮登2012鞭笞金屬必聽專輯內。

After 4 years the Testament released their 10th studio album "Dark Roots of Earth" . And nothing less to say this one is a true masterpiece. Just like early albums from the band Intense Drum, Fast Rebound Bass, Brutal Fighting Guitar, plus clear record from modern day technology all made this album the Top Thrash Metal Album from 2012.


If you wish to experience the glory day to early 80's metal? this is the album you don't want to miss.
Or you are a big fan of OLD SCHOOL METAL this album will be your time machine to the past.

 可於Amazon網站進行MP3 下載。請點下圖進入。
 MP3 Download is available from Amazon site, just click the image below.

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MIL-TAC Urban Survival Kit

Mil-Tac Urban Survival Kit

當你在煩惱如何選購一款經濟又實惠的求生幾本套裝時,MIL-TAC 已幫你做好打算。

1 - MTF-2 Folding Knife designed by Allen Elishewitz (List Price $169.00)
1 - TDP-1 Tactical Defense Pen designed by Allen Elishewitz (List Price $89)
1 - Inova X-1 LED Flashlight (List Price $26.99)
1 - MIL-TAC Utility Pack (List Price $19.99)
1 - TDP-1 Refill Upgrade Kit (List Price $9.99)
1 - SOG Paratool Multi-tool (List Price $100.00)

The MIL-TAC Urban Suvival Pack combines several vital products in a small convenient case! This kit sized at 8.5 by 5.0 inches is perfect for stashing in your glove box, in the trunk of your car, in the bedside table or attaching to your backpack or belt. It contains that vast majority of the items that you would need in any emergency: knife, flashlight, Tactical Defense Pen (TDP), and a modular pack to contain all the items for rapid rollout - right when you need it. And what's more--it has a place for you to store a magazine clip from your handgun (not included).

The MIL-TAC Urban Survival Pack (Basic) includes the following items:
1 - MTF-2 Folding Knife designed by Allen Elishewitz (List Price $169.00)
1 - TDP-1 Tactical Defense Pen designed by Allen Elishewitz (List Price $89)
1 - Inova X-1 LED Flashlight (List Price $26.99)
1 - MIL-TAC Utility Pack (List Price $19.99)
1 - TDP-1 Refill Upgrade Kit (List Price $9.99)
1 - SOG Paratool Multi-tool (List Price $100.00)

MIL-TAC’s “Urban Survival Pack” (basic) is just that — about everything you’d need in one handy spot when the tornado hits. It’s filled with MILTAC goodies like the MTF-2 folding knife, TDP-1 Defense Pen, Inova X-1 LED light, all-weather notebook and an SOG Multi-Tool, neatly held in MILTAC’s Utility Pack. Priced separately, it all adds up to over $400 but as a kit it’s about $270, a screamin’ deal. One-stop shopping, as it were, and all top quality products!

更多資訊 More Info:

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Deus ex Machina Yamaha Blaster – Motorcycle

Deus ex Machina Yamaha Blaster – Motorcycle

騎車、衝浪、滑板任何追求刺激的運動都是 Deus ex Machina 客製機車的哲學。熱情也來自於對機械的熱愛。

Deus ex Machina 一個來自於澳洲的客製機車工廠,創始的目的是為了讓所有愛車的人不只是擁有一台機車,而是能將對機械的熱情與運動接合造就出另一種文化、一種藝術。
雖然為客製機車工廠但 Deus ex Machina 卻不斷強調 "並沒有一輛車是特別的,因為它們都共同擁有同一種喜樂"。

Deus ex Machina (god from the machine) roared into Australia’s cultural consciousness in 2006, with some neatly customised motorcycles and a quaint notion that doing something is more fun than just owning something. Deus ex Machina is a step bigger than a brand: it’s a culture. Our openness and enthusiasm strike a chord with people, wherever they are…
Deus (“day-us”) didn’t set out only to sell custom parts and hand-built motorcycles, but to celebrate a culture of creativity. The Deus ex Machina showroom/cafe/headquarters in Sydney immediately became a shrine to ‘run-what-you-brung’ resourcefulness and street-honest industrial art.

The Deus philosophy recalls an era before the various pursuits of fun – motorcycling, surfing, skateboarding, whatever – were marketed into fundamentalist factions. All are welcomed under the Deus roof, where there’s simply respect for the honesty and enjoyment of the machine. Inclusiveness, authenticity, enthusiasm. It’s a simple and sincere pitch that has winged Deus ex Machina across the world. Deus ex Machina says simply there’s no ‘right way’ to do individualism, its all the same juice.

Deus ex Machina Yamaha Blaster – Motorcycle

Deus 將這台由 YAMAHA TW200 改裝的客製衝浪機車命名為 Blaster(衝擊)。

Deus ex Machina Yamaha Blaster – Motorcycle
就如 Deus 的將對機車的熱愛與運動結合的製車哲學一樣,這款 Blaster 在特製衝浪板架裝置後仍保有YAMAHA TW200特有的粗曠線條。 且 Deus更成功的將粗曠的特點以全鋁的油箱、加寬的輪攤、與特製的排氣管...等加以方大。讓整台機車在視覺上更有澳洲人特有的冒險與無謂精神。

Deus ex Machina Yamaha Blaster – Motorcycle

The full Monty for this TW, sporting an alloy tank, air box removal kit, extended swing arm, and made famous by Deus, quick release surf racks.

Deus ex Machina Yamaha Blaster – Motorcycle

但每台車都會有些許的缺點,也許當你擁有這台 Deus ex Machina Blaster 衝浪用機車後你會發現你留在公路上的時間比留在海裡的時間多。 :)

官方網站 : http://deuscustoms.com/
Official : http://deuscustoms.com/

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Review 樂評 : Dawn of Ashes - Genocide Chapters

Genocide Chapters Dawn of Ashes
 Dawn of Ashes - Genocide Chapters

收錄於 Dawn of Ashes 2010年專輯 "屠殺樂章"(Genocide Chapters)內的第七首曲目 London's Anthem for the Pleasure of Mutilation。不僅帶領聽眾進入當年倫敦開膛手捷克,一個興奮血腥的虐殺世界,更以諷刺的樂曲名嘲笑那年代以肉體換取金錢的上流妓女。


Difference Drop Point/Clip Point Knife 水滴/刨削形刀尖選擇


如果是你獵人的話,你較愛用水滴型的刀尖還是刨削型的? 在你回答這些答案前請先確認你了解兩者的差異,本文下方將會為您一一介紹。
上圖左: 水滴型形刀尖
上圖右: 刨削形刀尖
Are you a drop point guy or a clip point guy? Before you answer, make sure you know the differences between the two. Drop point is on the left, clip point is on the right. Here's a rundown of two different styles.
  • 型狀:
A drop point is the perfect shape for a knife blade that needs to handle various butchering tasks like cutting, skinning, and carving. 
  • 外型
Many hunters prefer the aesthetic value of a more traditional design, which the clip point offers.
  • 慣用性 

The drop point is typically thicker, especially at the tip, compared to a clip point. This makes it a more versatile tool for game-care tasks, like disjointing and prying.

  • 精準度

With a concave clip on a relatively short blade, the user can extend the index finger along the back of the blade for a scalpel-style grip. The fingertip can be used as a depth stop.
With the drop point tip plunging down under the blade’s spine line, there is less of a chance of unintentionally puncturing a hide, a gut sack, 
or anything else you don’t intend to cut.

  • 切割性

The upswept tip of a clip blade generally offers more edge area, which allows for long, graceful cuts.
A drop point is a balanced design that is comfortable in various grip configurations. A well-designed drop point blade can offer several index points.

延伸閱讀 : 
All Knife Related Topic/有關刀的相關文章

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Fixed Blade or Folding Knife? 折刀與直刀的選擇

hunting knife
折刀或是直刀? 這是所有獵人出發前一定會面對的問題。

若任務需求與工作環境較為嚴苛,大部分的獵人都選選擇直刀,因為折刀在先天上就有缺陷,不管設計再好的折刀都會在壓力過大時損壞,且在處裡動物肉塊或毛髮時,經常會有汙垢進入折刀的機構系統內。 且直刀的握感絕對比折刀舒適。



上圖: Kershaw 1050 Folding Field
刀長: 3.75 in.
刀重: 8.6 oz.
鋼材: AUS-8A

下圖: SOG Woodline Fixed Blade
刀長: 4.8 in.
刀重: 8.3 oz.
鋼材: 8Cr13MoV

Fixed blade or folder? It’s a decision all hunters face when choosing the knife they’ll carry on a hunt. Based on 
conversations with knife makers CJ Buck and Edmund Davidson, there are arguments for both.

Says Davidson, the very nature of a folding knife means there is a weak spot in its construction. “The fixed blade is much less likely to fail under pressure.” Buck also prefers a fixed blade. “It’s trustworthy in hand for what can be awkward game-processing tasks,” he says.
The expediency of cleaning the knife is also a factor. “When you’re field dressing an animal, materials like hair, fat, and blood can coat the mechanism of a folder and fill its channeled handle,” Buck points out.

However, Buck and Davidson both understand why some hunters choose a folding knife. “For one, a folder is compact and packs up nicely,” says Davidson. “There have been many advances over the years in materials, processes, and designs that make today’s locking folders stronger than they have ever been,” adds Buck.
The two agreed that choosing a hunting knife is much like choosing a hunting rifle—it boils down to personal taste and preference.

Pictured Above: Kershaw 1050 Folding Field
BLADE LENGTH: 3.75 in.
WEIGHT: 8.6 oz.

Pictured Below: SOG Woodline Fixed Blade
WEIGHT: 8.3 oz.

延伸閱讀 : 
All Knife Related Topic/有關刀的相關文章

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Meaning of Hunter's knife 刀的意義

hunting knife
Original Post on Outdoorlife.com 

對於真正的獵人來說,刀不只是背包裡的一向裝備。 它們是身分的象徵、專為切割而設計的藝術品、一個萬世流傳的傳家寶,也是一個每日不可或缺的工具。也許每把刀都有它自己的故事,但他們都有一個共同的背景...."人類最古老的工具"
To hunters, knives are more than just items in our pack. They are status symbols, specialized cutting instruments, cherished heirlooms, and campsite multi-tools. Each knife has a unique history, but together knives share a heritage as humankind’s oldest tool.

From sharpened bone and broken stone to knapped flint and whetted metal, throughout history nothing has so consistently helped hunters perform their tasks or offered sure solutions to myriad challenges as the implement they use to cut, scrape, slice, stab, and pry.

These days, there are more knife choices than early man could have imagined. But even in all of its newfangled incarnations, the knife remains our most reliable tool. Whatever the need or circumstance, from whittling a toothpick to rendering a 1,000-pound elk into meat for the table, the knife is the trusted companion of the hand and the great edged icon of the outdoors.

延伸閱讀 : 
All Knife Related Topic/有關刀的相關文章

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AEROSHOT Rime Review 食用評測

"AEROSHOT" 一個沒有負擔,純咖啡因的新能量來源。

你是否曾經因不喜歡咖啡的苦味,或在最需要提神的會議室與高速公路上怕無法上廁所,而拒絕咖啡因飲料? AEROSHOT 是一款革命性的新能量來源,它在你最需要的時候僅需放於嘴巴、深吸一口。即可立即擁有來自咖啡因與維他命B的全新能量。

Have you ever give up the great taste of coffee in an important but sleepy conference, or even on a busy highway? AEROSHOT is a revolutionary way of energy source. It comes so easy that you only have to put it in your mouth and inhale it, then caffeine and vitamin B is on the way.


第一次嘗試 AEROSHOT 時被其濃郁的青檸檬口感所震攝到,感覺上就向有人將一顆綠意盎然的檸檬用力的往你口中塞,其力道之猛讓你幾乎必上眼就可以感覺到一片檸檬樹海就在你前面。
吸食後的1分鐘內你就可馬上感覺到這股革命性的能量在你體中蠢蠢欲動,加速蠕動的胃告訴你可以加大步伐,翻新的思緒告訴你 " You Are Ready to GO "。

The first shot of AEROSHOT you can have the strong taste of lime. It feels like someone put a greenly lime violently into your mouth, this brutal force makes you even see the forest of lime's tree in front of you when you close your eyes.
After inhale it for a minute you can have an energy surge in your body. A fast moving pulse tells you can keep moving on, a flesh mind tells " You Are Ready to GO ".

AEROSHOT 的確是一個革命性的新能量來源,也需該說它是一款 "吸食用咖啡因 "也不為過,但其便利性卻也讓使用者容易陷入過量服用的陷阱裡,如何能照手冊所說明的 "一天最多僅吸三口" 考驗者使用者的自制力。

AEROSHOT is indeed a revolutionary source of energy, maybe you could say it's an "Inhalable Caffeine". But it's very easy for inhalers to overdose since this energy comes so quick and easily. How to fellow the instruction to not inhale 3 shots a day will be a test for those who already addicted to caffeine.


Not Allowed for Age Under 18!!!

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Relentless Energy Drink TV Advert - Relentless 首支廣宣

Relentless Energy Drink TV Advert - Relentless

來自英國,喚醒你殘暴無情的能量飲料(Relentless Energy Drink),發表首支電視廣告,特別找來繞舌教授(Professor Green)與非主流搖滾寶貝(Sierra Kusterbeck)喚醒你的無限能量。

Relentless Energy Drink Facebook網頁facebook.com/RelentlessEnergy,官方Twitter@thisistheorder

Filmed at various locations in London, England and featuring UK rap artist Professor Green and alt rock vocalist Sierra Kusterbeck, this is our first TV commercial.

Directed by Ross Cairns, the visionary behind the Lives Of The Artists films, the ad embodies our No Half Measures attitude and signature cinematic imagery. So crank up the volume, sit back and get an eye full of Relentless Energy.

Check out the behind-the-scenes out-takes at facebook.com/RelentlessEnergy

Follow us @thisistheorder to get the latest from Relentless Energy Drink


Imperanon - Stained Sold MV

與其它90年代末期成立的芬蘭金屬樂團相似,Imperanon 的首發專輯曲風偏向旋律死金與帶有點部分的力量金屬元素,連歌詞的表達也相當的直接。 也許有些人會說那年代的新興樂團都在模仿 Children of Bodom(COB),但我寧可認為是那年代的聽眾決定了唱片商要發行哪些曲風的唱片。


Sold 這首歌收錄於樂團的首張專輯 Stained ,Sold 這首單曲算是 Stained 專集裡較流暢的一首。兩段由不同吉他手詮釋的獨奏與中慢版代有點創世氛圍的副歌,都讓這首歌慢慢的成為樂團的代表作。

可惜當 Imperanon發表第一張專輯後就因唱片公司 Nuclear Blast 不再續約與團員重心轉移而解散。


Imperanon - Sold官方MTV與歌詞翻譯

i am betrayed, all is lost to me
feeling cheated, the pain so overwhelming

can't you see, that you're dead to me?
don't you feel the pain inside of me?

how have we
come this far?
how have i
failed to see?

i am sold, the world is lost to me
feeling no more, the numbness overtaking

i am cold, draining the life from me
feeling so lost, is this the end of me?

how have you
made it this far?
how have i
been so blind?

how have i
come this far?

why do i
feel this weak?

can this be
the end of me?
the end of everything? 


Guide Black Metal Serfwear 金屬頭流行穿著

Original Post from Selectism

We all been fascinating by Metal Head's wear before, now selectism had choose 8 amazing cloth for us to blend in that pastoral/pagan/cyber-noir style.
這件無袖的 Marrakesh Shirt 是由 Rick Owens 所設計,在純黑的設計下加了兩條作勢向後衝刺的白線,讓這件T-shirt更有運動感覺但不失黑金該有的內練氣質。
The fit, sleevelessness and white markings on this sharp shirt from Black Metal Serfwear overlord Rick Owens sing a song of darkness. It also looks a little like a gym shirt, so you can get plenty creative describing the impetus behind wearing it.

Front pockets are lined in medium weight black cotton and back pockets feature hidden rivets for additional reinforcement. The fit is slim. Blank black leather patch is stitched onto the back right pocket and the top button at the fly is concealed.
The sleeves are exaggerated enough that you get a few of whispers of doom in this sweater from Lars Andersson, a Swedish designer who knits all of his stuff with a small team in Brooklyn. The thing is causal enough that you could even risk angering the gods and pair it with some chinos.
每一個金屬頭都有溫柔的一面,這件由 Lars Andersson 設計的簡約 Tank Top 讓所有金屬頭在穿著時能夠中和一下其黑暗元素。
Even the darkest dudes have a softer side and this breezy tank top from old Lars Andersson addresses that tenderness. Simple, but still a showstopper were you to stroll basically anywhere with this on top.
It gets cold out there and nothing keeps the chill of a deathly winter at bay like a leather shirt. Alright, so this isn’t genuine leather, but it does have the leather effect its name implies. All sorts of intensity coming from this.
On top of looking like the perfect blend of Norse warrior and brat hacker, these pants are made from sheepskin and cowhide—with all participating animals slaughtered in an archaic fashion, we trust.
如果皮革對您太厚重的話,Siki Im 的這款Jogging Pant 可當為你的替代品。
Many of the statement pieces in this realm are the pants. While the leather ones above take a more tactile approach, these dropped jogging pants from Siki Im are in-your-face in another way. You need confidence to walk the streets with a billowy crotch like this. It conjures so much mystery that people will not be able to let you pass by without inspection. That is to know the power of BMS.

每一個金屬頭都不可或缺的皮靴,但讓 Rick Owens 設計的這款皮靴與眾不同之處為它的強度讓他足以擔任稱頭的登山靴。
Same goes for these boots from Rick Owens. If you are owning these you are likely owning everything that passes within your sphere of influence, which we imagine must bubble out at least 10 feet in every direction.