

Adidas Springblade 彈簧刀跑鞋

Adidas 最近發表了革命性新款運動鞋 Springblade。這雙跑鞋花了六年精心研發, 並應用了Adidas最新研發的能量回饋技術, 且在鞋底加入 16 片以 Polymer 製造而成的刀型鞋底,讓跑者能更有效地將能量迅速回饋到腳掌,從而令跑步變得更輕而易舉。

全新的「Adidas Springblade」跑鞋即 將在 8 月 1 日全球上市

adidas releases a next-level running shoe with individually tuned blades called the Springblade. Sixteen individual forward-angle polymer blades have a special geometry that give you support and full range of mmotion and compress and release as if you were wearing springs on your feet. And lets talk about that design, it might be polarizing to some, but we can't recall a running shoe that was this visually striking since the debut of Nike Shox. The Springblade will be available August 1st for $180. adidas


Skinny Sasquatch – Multi-Role Pack 多用途戰術背包

Skinny Sasquatch – Multi-Role Pack 多用途戰術背包
Skinny Sasquatch – Multi-Role Pack 多用途戰術背包是一款為各種不同用途設計的多功能背包,其特點是背包設計可掛載兩把步槍,與內部可放置防彈護板,在危急情況時可將背包當作盾牌使用。
