

Gerber - Go Bag EDC入門套組

Gerber Go Bag

Gerber GO BagMaxpedition®(Magforce®) 聯盟推出了涵蓋七項求生設備的背包套組。

Gerber Go Bag

Gerber GO BagMaxpedition®(Magforce®) 聯盟推出的背包套組其內容包含:


Volcom Kiss KISS樂團變身帽T

Volcom Kiss


Together they are KISS, one of the most wildly successful bands in history, with a career spanning almost 40 years, with 45 certified gold records and over 100 million albums sold worldwide. Wearing their trademark face paint, the band carved out a place in rock history with their over-the-top live shows - introducing pyrotechnics, blood spitting, fire-breathing and a smoking guitar to amazed concertgoers.

Now KISS and Volcom have collaborated for a limited number of KISS x Volcom merchandise, melding the four iconic faces of the band with Volcom's signature full-zip hoodies and sock puppets. Now KISS fans of all ages can become part of the legend! Zip it up, put your feet up and blast your favourite album... "you wanted the best, you got the best"

Volcom Kiss


Solid Gray Backpack 硬殼裝甲背包

Solid Gray Backpack

Solid Gray 是一個極度耐用且輕量化的每日背包(EDC)Solid Gray由軍用裝甲啟發的靈感硬殼背包,讓你可以安全的保護你每日須攜帶的電腦或個人用品。


Lifelover - Expandera(愛命人 - 擴張)


Lifelover - Expandera(自譯 : 愛命人 -  Expand, 擴張)收錄自瑞典的 LifeLover 的第四張錄音室專輯 Sjukdom (Sickness, 自譯: 病了)。

Lifelover 靈魂人物 B 於2011年9月因服用抗憂鬱藥物過量死亡後,其他團員為紀念 B ,一併將Lifelover樂團解散,讓樂團的輝煌過去與 B 一起走進墳墓。


World War Z 末日之戰 - 殭屍生存戰



A U.N. employee is racing against time and fate, as he travels the world trying to stop the outbreak of a deadly Zombie pandemic. 


電影預告 殭屍末日 殭屍生存 恐怖殭屍

Handgun Retention Tactics 護槍術(正面防搶)


這個數字表示將近10%的殉職案是可藉由訓練避免的,American Cop 11月的雜誌以圖解的方式教導大家如何護槍。




Enemy to Fashion - Chevy Spark 殭屍特仕車

Enemy To Fashion Chevy Spark

來自二戰軍用車的靈感,Enemy To Fashion 由裡到外依其創作理念,從新對Chevy Spark做了全新的詮釋。這款 Chevy Spark 融合了古典的軍用元素與流行的造型設計,兩者看似極端的元素,在這次了創作中巧妙的融合。


LandCamo Afganastian Testing 大地迷彩阿富汗測試照

LandCamo Being Tested in Afghanistan

最近 LANDCAMO ABD/SERE(大地迷彩) 發表了他們在阿富汗實測的照片,這款 LANDCAMO是特別為乾燥、貧乏與岩石灰屑開發的迷彩裝。特種部隊對LANDCAMO這款迷彩衣都給予正面的評價,但仍希望仍在不同氣候與類似地形上做更多的測試。


Suntory The Rolling Stones 50th Anniversary Whisky 滾石樂團50周年威士忌

Suntory The Rolling Stones 50th Anniversary Whisky

今年是滾石樂團(Rolling Stones)重要的一年,新單曲、新專輯、50周年慶,但是搖滾不死還是要繼續的給他搖下去。

但是這些慶祝還不夠,現在三得利推出了限量版的(Suntory Limited Edition)的滾石樂團威士忌。 這款限量版的滾石威士忌僅生產150瓶,且瓶罐以滾石的標準LOGO,紅唇與吐舌頭設計,更讓這款限量版的威士忌更有價值。


oki-ni - Dark Tide (黑暗浪潮)

STYLED | Dark Tide

Dark Tide(黑暗浪潮)是一系列位於英國Birling Gap(柏令海崖)拍攝的照片,Dark Tide(黑暗浪潮)以強烈的黑白對比,試圖說明人性對於生存、死亡與永生的掙扎。

Dark Tide(黑暗浪潮)在一失足千古恨的懸崖邊尋找自我意識。

荒野求生 - 如何收集乾淨純水

What to do when you run out of water


今天介紹的是蒸餾集水法,這種方法雖然緩慢但是卻可以達到一定的效果。 且最適合用於亞熱帶地區,當氣溫雨水都相對足夠的時候。


So you have no potable water, no filter, and the big thirst is starting to kick in. Drinking untreated water may give rise to more problems than you already have, but you can distill your own pure water with only a pot, a cup and a clear plastic bag (or maybe a part of your groundsheet). The objective is to encourage water to evaporate from the pot, condense on the plastic and then collect in the cup. Find a sunny spot where your still won’t be disturbed. Place the cup in the centre of the pot and fill the bottom of the pot with untreated water, but not so much that the cup floats.

What to do when you run out of water


Cover the pot with the clear plastic. Use a stone to weigh down the centre of the plastic so an inverted cone forms, pointing down toward the cup. 

What to do when you run out of water


As the pot warms in the sun the untreated water will evaporate, condense on the plastic, roll down to the centre and drip into the cup. Given sunny conditions, you’ll produce enough water to keep yourself alive while you search for a twist of lemon to liven things up.

文章來自: http://explore-mag.com/

荒野求生 荒野求生秘技 bear grylls 貝爾 登山 山難 登山