Suntory The Rolling Stones 50th Anniversary Whisky 滾石樂團50周年威士忌
今年是滾石樂團(Rolling Stones)重要的一年,新單曲、新專輯、50周年慶,但是搖滾不死還是要繼續的給他搖下去。
但是這些慶祝還不夠,現在三得利推出了限量版的(Suntory Limited Edition)的滾石樂團威士忌。 這款限量版的滾石威士忌僅生產150瓶,且瓶罐以滾石的標準LOGO,紅唇與吐舌頭設計,更讓這款限量版的威士忌更有價值。
Big year for the Rolling Stones. New single. New tour. The celebration of 50 years of somehow surviving all possible odds and continuing to rock and rock and rock well beyond the normal lifespan of a band. Is there no better celebration of their legacy of consumption than with this new Suntory Limited Edition The Rolling Stones 50th Anniversary Whisky? Hell. No. This is it. A 150 bottle run of blended whiskey with their signature Tongue and Lips logo – as originally designed by John Pasche, though the Suntory take looks modified.
2771 威士忌 2634 金車威士忌酒廠 941 麥卡倫威士忌的價格 804 威士忌品牌 332 宜蘭金車威士忌酒廠 310 威士忌調酒 285 spey 蘇格蘭威士忌價格 260 蘇格蘭威士忌 253 百富威士忌 237 威士忌喝法 233 葛瑪蘭威士忌
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