

Riddick 2013 Gothic Girl and Katee Sackhoff Nude

Riddick 2013 Gothic Girl and Katee Sackhoff Nude

Left for dead on a sun-scorched planet, Riddick finds himself up against an alien race of predators. Activating an emergency beacon alerts two ships: one carrying a new breed of mercenary, the other captained by a man from Riddick's past.

Betrayed by his own kind and left for dead on a desolate planet, Riddick fights for survival against alien predators and becomes more powerful and dangerous than ever before. Soon bounty hunters from throughout the galaxy descend on Riddick only to find themselves pawns in his greater scheme for revenge. With his enemies right where he wants them, Riddick unleashes a vicious attack of vengeance before returning to his home planet of Furya to save it from destruction.


Tactical Stocking 戰術襪 聖誕節特別版

Tactical Stocking 戰術襪 聖誕節特別版
答案是 Tactical Stocking 戰術襪 聖誕節特別版!



炸彈客嗆引爆! 澳洲警察荷槍警破窗壓制

炸彈客嗆引爆! 澳洲警察荷槍警破窗壓制

   20號澳洲雪梨國會前,開著白色轎車的58歲男子,威脅要在車內引爆炸彈,並要求省長出面對峙,僵持近兩小時後,男子突然鎖住車窗,試圖用打火機點燃裝 有汽油的容器,警方才會採取激烈行動,阻止意外發生,雖然過程宛如電影場景般緊張刺激,所幸警方最後成功制伏自殺客,這才化解了危機。

2013 女生出糗特集

2013 女生出糗特集

2013要接近尾聲了,2013 女生出糗特集收集了今年女生發生過的所有糗事,從摔落游泳池、走秀跌倒、衣服夾破、等讓女生尖叫的所有糗事接收錄在這10分鐘的影片喔!


Stalingrad 3D 史達林格勒戰役3D 電影 幕後特效解析

 Stalingrad 3D 史達林格勒戰役3D 電影 幕後特效解析



[影片] Scorpion Jet Light Attach Aircrft 超輕型噴射攻擊機首飛

[影片] Scorpion Jet Light Attach Aircrft 超輕型噴射攻擊機首飛

Textron AirLand, LLC 公司研發的 Scorpion Jet 超輕型噴射攻擊機於 2013/12/12 完成首飛。
Scorpion Jet 超輕型攻擊機主要瞄準偵查、反恐與低度威脅的防空任務。因主要設計元件皆來自商用客機,其後勤保養費用可以在F-16戰機的20%以下,每小時飛行費用僅需10萬台幣左右。

雖然Scorpion Jet 超輕型噴射攻擊機的潛在市場與 UAV無人偵察機 相同,但是部分專家學者仍,戰鬥機駕駛員的第一直覺仍無法被冷酷的LCD螢幕與搖桿索取代。


AirLand, LLC, is a joint venture between Textron Inc. and AirLand Enterprises, LLC, with the express purpose of rapidly designing and manufacturing an affordable, multi-mission tactical military jet platform using commercially available technologies and processes – the Scorpion.

Textron has announced that Cessna Aircraft Scorpion Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)/Strike aircraft has conducted its maiden flight on Dec 12.

The aircraft took off from McConnell Air Force Base in Wichita, Kansas and flew for 1.4 hours, conducting a series of handling maneuvers that proved the aircraft features an “impressive stability and responsiveness closely matching all of the predicted parameters for today’s maneuvers – it’s going to be a highly capable aircraft for the ISR and homeland security mission set.”

On its first flight the “affordable warplane for low-threat missions” was crewed by pilot Dan Hinson, a test pilot with over 5,000 flight hours in 79 different types of aircraft, and co-pilot David Sitz. Announced in September and developed in 24 months, the Scorpion has a cruising speed of up to 450 knots, a ferry range of 2,400 NM (nautical miles) and carries a payload of 3,000 lbs internal stores as well as underwing PGMs (Precision Guided Munitions).


John Varvatos: Rock in Fashion 搖滾流行歷史書

John Varvatos: Rock in Fashion 搖滾流行歷史書

John Varvatos: Rock in Fashion 搖滾流行歷史書

設計師 John Varvatos 的第一本關於探討搖滾裝扮、搖滾流行的書 ,內容更刊登了設計師 John Varvatos 多年來的私人筆記,讓我們跟隨者他一同探討搖滾如何滲透到流行文化。

書中更收長了 250張以上特有並未公開的照片,包含許多著名歌手 Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones to Green Day, Jack White and Kings of Leon...等。


For his first book, designer John Varvatos covers a subject he may as well have a masters degree in with his book, "John Varvatos: Rock in Fashion":  "

John Varvatos' first book documents the elements of rock style that have embodied the music community. The book shares contents of Varvatos' notebook, revealing his perspective on how musicians' evolving styles have impacted fashion & pop culture.

The book includes a personally curated collection of more than 250 images - many of which are the most provocative shots by top rock photographers from the late 1960s to today. Including numerous never-before-seen photographs of artists - from Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones to Green Day, Jack White and Kings of Leon."

For Preview please Click Links:


Godzilla - Official Teaser Trailer 哥吉拉電影預告

Godzilla - Official Teaser Trailer 哥吉拉電影預告

美商華納兄弟公司 與傳奇影業將攜手合作,讓日本東寶的巨大怪獸哥吉拉,重新登上大銀幕,哥吉拉的重新出現,將全世界推向毀滅的邊緣。


Tactical Tailor Cerberus 72 HR Medical Pack 72小時急救背包

Tactical Tailor Cerberus 72 HR Medical Pack 72小時急救背包

Tactical Tailor Cerberus 72 HR Medical Pack 72小時急救背包

Tactical Tailor Cerberus 72 HR Medical Pack 擁有可以完整開瓶的超大開口,與四格置物袋,讓你可以更容易地放置所需的醫療用品。

Expanding on a of three headed dog trend this week, Tactical Tailor has now introduced their new Cerberus 72 Hour Medical pack that can be utilized for a variety of purposes.

The Cerberus Pack flips open utilizing  heavy duty zippers that run from the bottom of the bag to the complete opposing side for complete access to the contents. The  inside the bag is lined with loop and features removable hook backed pockets to customize the inside to your needs. The outside features a double carrying handle, thick padded shoulder straps, sternum and waist straps as well as modular webbing on the front, base, and sides for attaching additional gear.

The 72 Hour Medical Pack will be available in CB and MC. Although designed as a 72 hr Medic pack, the Cerberus  functions equally well as a camera bag or anything else you can think of where great organization is needed. Look for the Cerberus Pack at TacticalTailor.com


12 Ways to Pet your Cat 騷貓咪癢的12種方式

12 Ways to Pet your Cat 騷貓咪癢的12種方式


Adrian and I will be at Stumptown Comic Fest this weekend! Come stop by at Table C02 to see some exclusive fest swag and chat us up :D
Now, since you guys are so awesome, have a comic about how to pet your cat. Just in case you guys forgot!


Admont Abbey 世上最美的修道院圖書館

Admont Abbey 世上最美的修道院圖書館

Admont Abbey 世上最美的修道院圖書館坐落於奧地利的恩斯河河畔上,是世界上 Styria 區域最古老的修道院圖書館。


Maxpedition ZAFAR™ INTERNAL FRAME BACKPACK Magforce 馬蓋先內支架背包 Maxpedition XANTHA™

Maxpedition ZAFAR™ INTERNAL FRAME BACKPACK Magforce 馬蓋先內支架背包 Maxpedition XANTHA™

Maxpedition ZAFAR™ INTERNAL FRAME BACKPACK Magforce 馬蓋先內支架背包
Magforce 馬蓋先首款含有內支架的背包,多處袋口設計讓使用者可依喜好自行放置裝備,當然也少不了可掛載 MOLLE 系統的網格架。此款背包容量約28L,但是也有32L的Maxpedition XANTHA™可以選擇。

Maxpedition ZAFAR™ INTERNAL FRAME BACKPACK Magforce 馬蓋先內支架背包是一款適合三日旅行的多用途背包。


AZO Showreel 2013 Kendama 最強的劍玉表演

AZO Showreel 2013 Kendama 最強的劍玉表演

AZO Showreel 2013 Kendama 最強的劍玉表演

The multitalented Aung Zaw Oo presents his best tricks for the year. As always, some of his feats are hilariously random, but a lot of them are legit. AZO, you could be a part-time carnival. But you’d probably have to keep your normal job


Apex V-Brake 長板改裝剎車

 Apex V-Brake 長板改裝剎車

Apex V-Brake是一款極易安裝且簡單使用的長板剎車系統,不用過多的文字說明,看介紹影片即一目了然喔!

Inventor Patrick McDowell created the V-Brake to improve skateboard safety, adding an easy-to-install foot-braking mechanism to the rear axle which allows you to control your downhill speed without having to drag your foot on the ground.