


From the New Year people in St. Petersburg will be able to take a cab ride in one of the city’s newest taxis: an amphibious armoured patrol vehicle.
That's after a decommissioned BRDM-2 Combat Reconnaissance and Patrol Vehicle was added to the pool of one of the city's taxi firms. It has been pimped out with leather interiors and electric windows, and, of course, you are encased within 14 mm (0.55 inches) of armour.



完整影片: 恐怖攻擊!車臣叛軍夜襲首府 16死、28傷

恐怖攻擊!車臣叛軍夜襲首府 16死、28傷

震 耳欲聾的連續槍響,撼動整座街區,安全部隊一度擋不住叛軍攻勢,躲在裝甲車旁掩護,叛軍窩藏建築,發動突襲,安全部隊以火砲瞄準反擊,3號凌晨,俄羅斯車 臣共和國遭到15名伊斯蘭叛軍入侵,槍手先是在檢查哨殺害臨檢警員,進入首府「格羅茲尼」後,開始發動攻擊,八層樓的官方新聞中心,疑似遭到叛軍縱火。9 名叛軍在槍戰中被擊斃,此外有10名警員在攻擊中遭殺害身亡。槍砲聲持續整個夜晚,當局呼籲居民不要上街也不要靠近窗戶,以免被槍戰波及
車 臣居民:「恐怖又危險,他們整個夜晚不停地射擊轟炸,我都不敢開燈。」由於攻擊事件,發生在俄羅斯總統普丁,發表年度國情咨文演說前數小時,叛軍擺明要讓 普丁難堪。俄羅斯總統普丁:「我有信心,車臣執法人員,有能力處理這起攻擊,他們正設法一一擊破恐怖份子,讓我們當後盾吧。」過去20年來,俄羅斯軍隊與 尋求獨立的車臣反叛武裝,進行過兩次血腥戰爭,格羅茲尼一直是衝突的中心地帶,但普丁稱讚車臣領袖,卡迪羅夫的安全行動,並表示對車臣處理恐怖攻擊有信 心。



小綿羊與青少年的次文化從1960年開始就與英國形影不離 ,前幾年英國地下小綿羊生活文化UK BikeLife 在社群媒體的帶動下一發不可收拾,現在跟隨VICE新聞一起探討這個於英國的小綿羊次文化。



Mopeds and teenage boys have gone hand-in-hand since the 1960s. But in the last year UK BikeLife culture – where young scooter riders upload videos of themselves wheelie-ing down motorways and through industrial estates – has exploded, with the scene’s leaders picking up thousands of YouTube and Instagram followers in the process.

These British riders are beginning to receive international attention, not least from Baltimore’s notorious dirt bike club, the 12 O’Clock Boys. Although they may lack the CCs of their American counterparts, they’ve done a good job of making up for it with charisma and a dedication to the underdog of the two-wheeled world: the humble moped.

In London Bikelife, Daisy-May Hudson lets a nostalgia for the moped gangs of her teenage years get the better of her and travels to industrial estates on the outskirts of London to meet with the underground stars of the UK BikeLife scene. After spending some time at northwest London’s Ace Cafe – an iconic hangout for bikers and petrolheads – Daisy is taken along to one of the group’s big ride-outs, where hundreds of boys take over the roads with their mopeds.



Red Storm West [Boots on the Ground] The Trailer - Airsoft Evike.com


完整圖庫, 伊拉克與黎凡特伊斯蘭國大屠殺

完整圖庫, "伊拉克與黎凡特伊斯蘭國"大屠殺
兇殘至極 "伊拉克與黎凡特伊斯蘭國"大規模屠殺俘虜

【新唐人2014年6月15日訊】已經佔領了伊拉克北部多個城鎮的伊拉克穆斯林組織,被阿拉伯媒體曝光,瘋狂屠殺被俘軍警。部分阿拉伯電視台公布現場錄像,殘忍的讓人不忍看下去。 這個名字為「伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯蘭國」的組織,在佔領了城鎮後,將被俘的軍警集體押解至行刑地點,之後用繩子把他們捆住成一排,兇殘地射殺。 很多被俘軍警,作出讓步姿態,但仍逃不過這些劊子手的子彈。 有消息表示,該伊斯蘭組織不僅屠殺軍警,對反抗其佔領的抵抗者大開殺戒,甚至連孩子也不放過。 6月14日,美軍已經調動喬治•W•布什號航空母艦前往波斯灣,為下一步的空襲做好準備。 美國15日譴責遜尼派激進團體「伊拉克與黎凡特伊斯蘭國」(ISIL),在伊拉克北部城市提克里特(Tikrit)殺害1,700名什葉派空軍新兵,是「駭人聽聞」的大屠殺。 美國國務院發言人莎琪(Jen PSaki)表示,ISIL聲稱在提克里特殘殺1,700名伊拉克什葉派空軍新兵令人驚駭,同時也是這些恐怖分子嗜血的真實刻劃。 ISIL連日來以勢如破竹的閃電攻勢,繼拿下伊拉克第二大城摩蘇爾(Mosul)、海珊故鄉提克里特後,繼續向首都巴格達挺進,12日攻下距巴格達僅90公里的杜律亞(Al-Dhuluiyah),據傳15日又攻陷伊拉克西北部城鎮塔阿法(Tal Afar)。

視頻鏡頭顯示 ,數百名男子被從這個軍事基地帶走,錄像中配有聲音說,他們是投降的士兵。
(編譯:林杉 責編:晧宇)


Robocop Jennifer Ehle Screencap

Robocop Jennifer Ehle Screencap

In RoboCop, the year is 2028 and multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the center of robot technology. Overseas, their drones have been used by the military for years - and it's meant billions for OmniCorp's bottom line. Now OmniCorp wants to bring their controversial technology to the home front, and they see a golden opportunity to do it. When Alex Murphy (Joel Kinnaman) - a loving husband, father and good cop doing his best to stem the tide of crime and corruption in Detroit - is critically injured in the line of duty, OmniCorp sees their chance for a part-man, part-robot police officer. OmniCorp envisions a RoboCop in every city and even more billions for their shareholders, but they never counted on one thing: there is still a man inside the machine pursuing justice. Written by Sony Pictures Entertainment


超好笑 以色列士兵 vs 輪胎疑似爆裂物 生存遊戲 槍戰

超好笑 以色列士兵 vs 輪胎疑似爆裂物 生存遊戲 槍戰

超好笑 以色列士兵 vs 輪胎疑似爆裂物 生存遊戲 槍戰

PS 補充說明: 以色列士兵與巴勒斯坦人的互相對峙幾乎天天上演,其實鮮少有發生種大規模的衝突。 過去幾次激烈暴動與衝突大部分為,以色列士兵擊發吹淚瓦斯意外擊中示威者同步造成示威者死亡。



I, Frankenstein Screencaps

I, Frankenstein Screencaps

In 1795, Dr. Victor Frankenstein (Aden Young) creates a monster (Aaron Eckhart), a soulless creature patched together from corpses, and then rejects it. In a fit of rage, the creature kills Victor's wife Elizabeth (Virginie Le Brun) and Victor chases it to the Arctic to get revenge, but succumbs to the weather. The creature buries his creator and is then attacked by demons before being rescued by the gargoyles Ophir (Mahesh Jadu) and Keziah (Caitlin Stasey), who bring it before the gargoyle queen Lenore (Miranda Otto) and their commander Gideon (Jai Courtney). Lenore explains that they were created by the Archangel Michael to battle demons on Earth and protect humanity. They name the creature "Adam" and invite him to join them, but he declines and departs after being given weapons that allow him to "descend" demons (destroying their bodies and trapping their souls in Hell) as they have the symbol of the Gargoyle Order carved on them.
Throughout the centuries, Adam fends off the demons that pursue him. During a modern-day confrontation at a nightclub, a human police officer is killed. While Adam is summoned by the gargoyles once more, the demon Helek (Steve Mouzakis) reports that Adam is alive to his leader, the demon-prince Naberius (Bill Nighy), who is disguised as billionaire businessman Charles Wessex, and his right-hand man, Dekar (Kevin Grevioux). Wessex has employed scientist Terra Wade (Yvonne Strahovski) to conduct experiments with reanimated corpses, and sends a group of demons led by his most formidable warrior, Zuriel (Socratis Otto), to attack the gargoyles' cathedral and capture Adam so he can unlock the secret to giving life.
Before Lenore can punish Adam for the police officer's death, the cathedral is attacked, and Adam convinces Ophir to release him. In the ensuing battle, a number of gargoyles, including Ophir and Keziah, are "ascended" (returned to and trapped in Heaven) while Lenore is captured and brought to an abandoned theater. Adam and Gideon head there where Gideon exchanges Lenore for Victor Frankenstein's journal, containing the secrets of the experiment. Adam follows Zuriel to the Wessex Institute, where he learns that Naberius plans to recreate Frankenstein's experiment and create thousands of reanimated corpses as the souls of the descended demons will be able to return from Hell if they have soulless bodies to possess. Adam retrieves the journal and escapes and later confronts Terra before they are attacked by Zuriel. Adam manages to "descend" Zuriel.
Adam warns the remaining gargoyles of Naberius' plan and Lenore sends Gideon to kill him and retrieve the journal. After a violent fight, Adam is forced to "ascend" Gideon and then decides to burn Frankenstein's journal and destroy its secrets before the gargoyles come after him. Adam evades them, leading them to the Wessex Institute where they join battle with Naberius' demons, descending Dekar early in the fight. While the battle progresses, Adam ventures into the Institute to rescue Terra, who had been kidnapped by Naberius, who takes his true demonic form and activates the machine. Naberius overpowers Adam, and tries to have one of the demon spirits possess him, but Adam proves immune as he has grown his own soul. As the gargoyles attempt to stop the reanimated demons, Adam carves the symbol of the Gargoyle Order on Naberius, sanctifying his very body and utterly destroying it, descending Naberius alongside all the other demons in his army, and causing the entire building to collapse.
Recognizing Adam's bravery, Lenore rescues him and Terra and forgives Adam for Gideon's death. Adam retrieves his weapons. After bidding farewell to Terra, Adam departs to begin an immortal quest to protect the humans of the world and hunt demons for selfless reasons, the attitude that had earned him his soul in the first place. In so doing, he embraces his role and his true name of "Frankenstein".