

The Dyas 倖存者 末日生存電影 2011


此部電影著重於主角Mary(Ashley Bell飾演)


Ruby x Alpine Helmet 聯名 RUBY安全帽

Les Ateliers Ruby 推出了由前雷諾拉利賽車手 Jean Ragnotti 使用的限量版的A110/50複刻安全帽,這款 Ruby x Alpine Jean Ragnotti  A110/50 Helmet 安全帽一共只限量八頂,讓Les Ateliers Ruby再次塑造其Ruby安全帽的高貴、稀有與奢華的形象。

Wrecked Metals - 機車女孩


Metro: Last Light 戰慄深隧: 最後光芒



電影預告 遺落星球 Oblivion 2013

電影預告 遺落星球 Oblivion 2013


Oblivion 2013
A court martial sends a veteran soldier to a distant planet, where he has to destroy the remains of an alien race. The arrival of an unexpected traveler causes him to question what he knows about the planet, his mission, and himself.  Director: Joseph Kosinski Writers: Joseph Kosinski (screenplay), William Monahan (screenplay), and 4 more credits » Stars: Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman and Andrea Riseborough | See full cast and crew


German GunWorks GGW-1302 H&K MP5 客製BB槍

German GunWorks GGW-1302 MP5
客製化改造槍專門廠商"German GunWorks" 發表了該公司第一款的客製衝鋒槍 H&K MP5。

這款客製的 H&K MP5 BB槍外觀完全仿照海豹部隊的 MP5SD(SD: H&K 原廠製造的


Jaguar XFR-S - 優美山路...不再寧靜

The hills are Alive with the sound of the XFR-S

Jaguar(捷豹、積架)汽車有史以來最大馬力的四門房車,Jaguar XFR-S 擁有5.01機械增加的V8引擎,可創造550匹馬力,並擁有碳纖零件、運動版懸吊與8速QuickShift自手排換檔系統。


Gerber - Go Bag EDC入門套組

Gerber Go Bag

Gerber GO BagMaxpedition®(Magforce®) 聯盟推出了涵蓋七項求生設備的背包套組。

Gerber Go Bag

Gerber GO BagMaxpedition®(Magforce®) 聯盟推出的背包套組其內容包含:


Volcom Kiss KISS樂團變身帽T

Volcom Kiss


Together they are KISS, one of the most wildly successful bands in history, with a career spanning almost 40 years, with 45 certified gold records and over 100 million albums sold worldwide. Wearing their trademark face paint, the band carved out a place in rock history with their over-the-top live shows - introducing pyrotechnics, blood spitting, fire-breathing and a smoking guitar to amazed concertgoers.

Now KISS and Volcom have collaborated for a limited number of KISS x Volcom merchandise, melding the four iconic faces of the band with Volcom's signature full-zip hoodies and sock puppets. Now KISS fans of all ages can become part of the legend! Zip it up, put your feet up and blast your favourite album... "you wanted the best, you got the best"

Volcom Kiss


Solid Gray Backpack 硬殼裝甲背包

Solid Gray Backpack

Solid Gray 是一個極度耐用且輕量化的每日背包(EDC)Solid Gray由軍用裝甲啟發的靈感硬殼背包,讓你可以安全的保護你每日須攜帶的電腦或個人用品。


Lifelover - Expandera(愛命人 - 擴張)


Lifelover - Expandera(自譯 : 愛命人 -  Expand, 擴張)收錄自瑞典的 LifeLover 的第四張錄音室專輯 Sjukdom (Sickness, 自譯: 病了)。

Lifelover 靈魂人物 B 於2011年9月因服用抗憂鬱藥物過量死亡後,其他團員為紀念 B ,一併將Lifelover樂團解散,讓樂團的輝煌過去與 B 一起走進墳墓。


World War Z 末日之戰 - 殭屍生存戰



A U.N. employee is racing against time and fate, as he travels the world trying to stop the outbreak of a deadly Zombie pandemic. 


電影預告 殭屍末日 殭屍生存 恐怖殭屍

Handgun Retention Tactics 護槍術(正面防搶)


這個數字表示將近10%的殉職案是可藉由訓練避免的,American Cop 11月的雜誌以圖解的方式教導大家如何護槍。




Enemy to Fashion - Chevy Spark 殭屍特仕車

Enemy To Fashion Chevy Spark

來自二戰軍用車的靈感,Enemy To Fashion 由裡到外依其創作理念,從新對Chevy Spark做了全新的詮釋。這款 Chevy Spark 融合了古典的軍用元素與流行的造型設計,兩者看似極端的元素,在這次了創作中巧妙的融合。


LandCamo Afganastian Testing 大地迷彩阿富汗測試照

LandCamo Being Tested in Afghanistan

最近 LANDCAMO ABD/SERE(大地迷彩) 發表了他們在阿富汗實測的照片,這款 LANDCAMO是特別為乾燥、貧乏與岩石灰屑開發的迷彩裝。特種部隊對LANDCAMO這款迷彩衣都給予正面的評價,但仍希望仍在不同氣候與類似地形上做更多的測試。


Suntory The Rolling Stones 50th Anniversary Whisky 滾石樂團50周年威士忌

Suntory The Rolling Stones 50th Anniversary Whisky

今年是滾石樂團(Rolling Stones)重要的一年,新單曲、新專輯、50周年慶,但是搖滾不死還是要繼續的給他搖下去。

但是這些慶祝還不夠,現在三得利推出了限量版的(Suntory Limited Edition)的滾石樂團威士忌。 這款限量版的滾石威士忌僅生產150瓶,且瓶罐以滾石的標準LOGO,紅唇與吐舌頭設計,更讓這款限量版的威士忌更有價值。


oki-ni - Dark Tide (黑暗浪潮)

STYLED | Dark Tide

Dark Tide(黑暗浪潮)是一系列位於英國Birling Gap(柏令海崖)拍攝的照片,Dark Tide(黑暗浪潮)以強烈的黑白對比,試圖說明人性對於生存、死亡與永生的掙扎。

Dark Tide(黑暗浪潮)在一失足千古恨的懸崖邊尋找自我意識。

荒野求生 - 如何收集乾淨純水

What to do when you run out of water


今天介紹的是蒸餾集水法,這種方法雖然緩慢但是卻可以達到一定的效果。 且最適合用於亞熱帶地區,當氣溫雨水都相對足夠的時候。


So you have no potable water, no filter, and the big thirst is starting to kick in. Drinking untreated water may give rise to more problems than you already have, but you can distill your own pure water with only a pot, a cup and a clear plastic bag (or maybe a part of your groundsheet). The objective is to encourage water to evaporate from the pot, condense on the plastic and then collect in the cup. Find a sunny spot where your still won’t be disturbed. Place the cup in the centre of the pot and fill the bottom of the pot with untreated water, but not so much that the cup floats.

What to do when you run out of water


Cover the pot with the clear plastic. Use a stone to weigh down the centre of the plastic so an inverted cone forms, pointing down toward the cup. 

What to do when you run out of water


As the pot warms in the sun the untreated water will evaporate, condense on the plastic, roll down to the centre and drip into the cup. Given sunny conditions, you’ll produce enough water to keep yourself alive while you search for a twist of lemon to liven things up.

文章來自: http://explore-mag.com/

荒野求生 荒野求生秘技 bear grylls 貝爾 登山 山難 登山


Gerber Shard 多用途工具 (7合1) Multitool


Gerber Shard 可以號稱最簡單的多用途工具,他僅有七公分長卻擁有七項日常生活所需的工具。 且Gerber Shard擁有太合金鍍膜讓它可以不被氣候侵蝕,並且可以合法通過安檢帶上飛機,

另外僅21g的極輕重量,讓Gerber Shard自然而然的成為EDC的基本裝備。

Gerber Shard 包含了:


Perhaps the most simply designed tool on the planet, the Shard is the ideal key chain companion. You get "just the basics" with the 7 functions you need in this compact, airline-safe tool.
  • 7 Functions:
    • Pry Bar
    • Small Flathead Driver
    • Wire Stripper Puller
    • Large Flathead Driver
    • Bottle Opener
    • Lanyard Hole
    • Cross Driver
  • Lightweight
  • Titanium nitride coating for corrosion resistance
  • Perfect size with the basics to carry anywhere
  • Airline Safe
 官方網站: http://www.gerbergear.com


2012 Moto Guzzi V7 廣宣照(幕後花絮) Photoshoot

2012 shoot for the Moto Guzzi V7

2012年 Moto Guzzi 邀請請專業的攝影師Scott Pommier.為Moto Guzzi V7拍攝了一系列的宣傳照片,更製作了一段幕後花絮影片來述說一個機車熱愛者如何將其所愛用照片表現出來。

2012 shoot for the Moto Guzzi V7 Stone by photographer Scott Pommier. Click through to watch the backstage video of Scott Pommier's ad shoot.

2012 shoot for the Moto Guzzi V7

Moto Guzzi V7

Moto Guzzi V7


Moto Guzzi V7

Moto Guzzi V7

Moto Guzzi官方網站: www.motoguzzi.com/
Scott Pommier官方網站: http://scottpommier.com

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Dark the Suns(黯夜樂團)) - Sleepless Angels(苦惱天使))

dark the suns all ends in silence

Sleepless Angels(自譯: 苦惱天使) 為來自芬蘭的Dark the Suns(自譯: 黯夜樂團)於2009年推出其樂團目前為止的巔峰之作All Ends In Silence(自譯: 一切終於寂靜)內收入的單曲,該專輯將流暢的歌德曲風(Gothic Metal)加上部分的厄運元素(Doom Metal),讓其優美的旋律帶有點曠世的氣息,更讓樂團成功打響知名度。

Sleepless Angels更是該張專輯中以流暢為主軸的樂曲,先以鋼琴帶出哀傷的氣氛,再以一氣呵成的吉他SOLO營造出悲憤的感覺,最後鋼琴與吉他一同對樂曲作出簡潔有力的結尾。.


All is so quiet when darkness will fall
In this beauty the world seems to sleep

The sleepless angels, they sing their songs
The songs of sorrow, like birds in the end

In the sleepless nights
Everything's forever lost
Beneath the thousands stars
I don't want to be alone

I'm still awake, listening the night
我還醒者. 凝聽那憂傷的夜晚
Don't want to be, no more alone
The sleepless angels, I hear them sing
那些天使們. 我聽見他們唱歌
The songs of grief, the songs of the end
那憂鬱旋律. 末日的悲歌.

官方Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dark-the-Suns/16410024649


圖解槍戰 - 大波篤司






   視力方面,有些人會覺得「不是那麼重要的事」。射擊時雖然需要視力,但如果是一般的戰鬥距離,只要「把槍口朝著對方所在的方向射擊」就好,因此只要有平 均水準的視力就可以了。雖然戴眼鏡來矯正視力,會有眼鏡掉落的可能性,但這種事不限於使用槍時才會變成問題,所以也不是那麼嚴重的情況。
   這是一本以101個單元的篇幅來解說「槍戰」為何的書:以手槍、步槍、機槍等不同槍種射擊的基礎知識,彈藥與槍種的選擇,基本的槍戰方式,進階的應用技 巧……等等,都盡可能地以簡單易懂的圖解來說明。本書除了從頭到尾地閱讀之外,也可以只挑在意的部分瀏覽就好,此外索引的部分也相當充實,可以作為字典使 用。
   雖說如此,如果在創作時把槍戰中的大小事情鉅細靡遺地全部描寫出來的話,是無法讓對槍戰興趣不高的一般讀者所接受的。但假如想創作槍戰漫畫或以戰場為舞 台的影像作品,還是該把最低限度的槍戰規則放入作品中較為妥當。即使創作時以戲劇性為優先來編排劇情,但在知道「其實是這樣才對」的情況下故意扭曲事實, 和完全無知地亂寫,是完全不同的兩回事。「在現實中出現這種情況的話會變成什麼樣子?」──產生這樣的疑問並為此尋找資料,才是認真面對自己作品的態度, 而且作品層次也會因此提高。不管創作的是小說、漫畫或是影像作品,身為作者的人都是不可以偷懶省力的。


  • 叢書系列:兵器事典
  • 規格:平裝 / 236頁 / 18.8*12.8cm / 普級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣


第一章 基礎知識篇─所謂的槍戰─7No.001 使用槍械者所需要的資質是?─8
No.002 在槍戰中怎樣的槍才有利呢?─10
No.003 槍械的取得方法有哪些?─12
No.004 要如何才不會選到爛槍?─14
No.005 手槍不能自由地攜帶行動?─16
No.006 手槍的保險裝置有哪些種類?─18
No.007 射擊時必需戴眼鏡?─20
No.008 不戴著耳塞,連續射擊的話會……?─22
No.009 適合射擊的打扮是?─24
No.010 適合槍戰的肩掛槍套是?─26
No.011 佩槍時需要使用專用的腰帶嗎?─28
No.012 雙槍的優勢可到什麼程度?─30
No.013 被子彈擊中的話,肉體會有怎樣的影響?─32
No.014 子彈貫穿身體的話,受到的傷害反而比較小?─34
No.015 避開要害的話,就算被擊中也不會馬上死亡?─36
No.016 流彈會造成致命傷嗎?─38
No.017 擊發後的槍和空彈殼是什麼狀態?─40
No.018 空彈殼會朝著什麼方向飛行?─42
專欄 電影、電視中的槍戰─44
第二章 準備篇─槍和彈藥的選擇─45No.019 該選擇什麼樣的槍呢?─46
No.020 專家會使用什麼樣的槍?─48
No.021 如何依角色的性格選擇適合他們使用的槍?─50
No.022 女性持槍時的不利條件是?─52
No.023 「擊錘待發」是什麼意思?─54
No.024 備用槍是有必要的嗎?─56
No.025 「手槍子彈」和「步槍子彈」有什麼差別?─58
No.026 彈藥的稱呼方式有規則嗎?─60
No.027 彈藥的取得難易度是很重要的事?─62
No.028 現代槍械的一般口徑是?─64
No.029 9㎜巴拉貝姆彈是什麼樣的彈藥?─66
No.030 彈藥前端的顏色為何不同?─68
No.031 警察喜歡用什麼樣的子彈?─70
No.032 「不需擔心跳彈問題的子彈」是?─72
No.033 被稱為警察殺手的彈頭是?─74
No.034 「就算擊中也不會致死」的彈藥是?─76
No.035 漆彈不能用真槍射擊?─78
No.036 霰彈槍是「對人較無害」的槍?─80
No.037 複頭彈是什麼樣的子彈?─82
No.038 可以躲在暗處安全地進行攻擊的槍是?─84
No.039 可以發射火箭彈的手槍是?─86
專欄 以警察為對象的槍戰─88
第三章 實踐篇─槍戰的各種技巧─89
No.040 槍彈可以飛行多遠?─90
No.041 利用遮蔽物來隱身的訣竅是?─92
No.042 哪些東西可以作為遮蔽物?─94
No.043 如何才能從旅館的槍戰中脫離?─96
No.044 手槍的正確握法是?─98
No.045 步槍的持槍方法是?─100
No.046 左手射擊時的注意事項是?─102


Les Ateliers Ruby 5周年安全帽Castel

Les Ateliers Ruby 5th Anniversary Helmets – The Full Face Castel

來自法國巴黎, Les Ateliers Ruby 安全帽的宗旨為製造出"全世界最棒的安全帽",聽來通俗,但達成方法卻相當獨特。


Les Ateliers Ruby 5th Anniversary Helmets – The Full Face Castel
Les Ateliers Ruby 5th Anniversary Helmets – The Full Face Castel

Ruby is to achieve "the finest helmets in the world", as functional as they are attractive, light and comfortable, with a discreet but distinct style, incarnated objects building a special relationship with the owner.

Les Ateliers Ruby 5th Anniversary Helmets – The Full Face Castel

Les Ateliers Ruby 為了慶祝成立五年特別推出了 Les Ateliers Ruby 的第一款全罩試安全帽 Castel。 依其經典的 Pavilion 安全帽做延伸設計,Ruby Castel 安全帽前方特別仿照中古騎士的面甲進行設計,沒有鏡片的設計則是為了讓使用者可以搭配墨鏡使用。外為由碳纖製成,內襯則用了高檔的 Nappa皮革。且提供四款顏色供不同騎士選擇。

Les Ateliers Ruby celebrates their 5th anniversary with a new full face helmet under the Castel name. Based on their classic Pavilion helmet, the Ruby Castel passes on the visor for a clean front look made from carbon fiber on the exterior and Nappa leather in the inside. Choose from one of four colors – or buy them all.

Les Ateliers Ruby 官方網站: www.ateliersruby.com
Les Ateliers Ruby Official Site: www.ateliersruby.com

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KIDULT - Visual Dictatorship (視覺獨裁者)

圖像應該是人類自由享有的權力,但如今卻是貴族擁有的特權。 貴族透過圖案不斷從人們身上騙取財富、控制思想,更以獨裁的方式控制圖像的使用權,剝奪生活與創作空間。





來自KIDULT ARMY(KIDULT 軍團)的微電影Visual Dictatorship 視覺獨裁者


Deadnight (US) - Messenger of Death 自譯: 死寂夜色 - 報喪者

Deadnight (US) - Messenger of Death

Deadnight (US) - Messenger of Death (自譯: 死寂夜色 - 報喪者) 為來自美國一張極為成功的旋律黑金/鞭笞金屬。 其樂團2008年美國首發專輯"Messenger of Death(報喪者)"獲得各界不差的評價,部分歐洲專業樂評更給予肯定的讚賞。

首發專輯Messenger of Death(報喪者)內同名樂曲更架構出整張專輯的主軸,其流暢且順耳的Riff不斷在耳裡迴盪,且帶有點80末/90初鞭笞金屬的元素。 順口的歌詞架構更巧妙的混合了旋律黑金的殘報,與鞭笞金屬的旋律。

Deadnight (US) - Messenger of Death (自譯: 死寂夜色 - 報喪者)的確是一張相當成功的首發專輯,讓我們不經期待下一張專輯的到來。也讓美國樂團在歐洲仍有一席之地。

官方網站: http://www.deadnight.net/
Official Site: http://www.deadnight.net/

Messenger of Death 報喪者 歌詞翻譯

Final night of your life.
Time to say goodbye.

Forget the world, your blood runs cold.
I am your death, now behold
忘記這世界, 流乾你的血液.

I have no mercy, I have no soul
You're all the same to me
我無靈魂, 我冷酷無情.

Human life, sacrificed
Dying to be set free
人命, 祭品.

Die, die!
Die for all the sins in
Your life, final judgement of the dark one
Tonight, death is just a new beginning
生命, 將接受嚴厲的審判.
今晚. 死亡只是開始.
He will take you to the other side
"祂" 將會帶你到新世界!!!!!

Messenger of death!

Running from your nightmares
Dying every night

Fighting fears inside your head
Eyes are turning red

Victims of the plague unfold
He is your death so now behold

Follow him right to the grave
You'll be reborn again

Die, die!
Die for all the sins in
Your life, final judgement of the dark one
Tonight, death is just a new beginning
生命, 將接受嚴厲的審判.
今晚. 死亡只是開始.

He will take you to the other side
"祂" 將會帶你到新世界!!!!!

Jim - Percussion
Scott - Rhythm Guitar
Mike - Vocals & Lead Guitars
John - Bass & Backing Vocals

Forged in the Chicago underground in 2003, DEADNIGHT began as a two-piece studio project. With their ferocious old-school thrash riffing, screaming guitar solos, and haunting atmosphere, DEADNIGHT�s blackened sound is truly unparalleled. With the successful release of 2008�s Messenger of Death, DEADNIGHT have established an international reputation as a powerful extreme metal band capable of displaying many diverse elements in their music. 2011 marked the release of their evolutionary effort, Riders of the Black Wind.

Throughout the past few years, DEADNIGHT has performed at Central Illinois Metalfest 2008, toured the United States, and shared the stage with Kreator, Exodus, Monstrosity, Brutal Truth, and Belphegor. The band is currently in the studio recording their second full-length album, scheduled for release in early 2012. DEADNIGHT will continue to push forward, breaking away from common scene trends.

"A no-frills approach that emphasizes razor sharp riffs, speedy gallops and conventional, yet skillfully written song structures goes a long way toward making the disc memorable and menacingly fun."

- Scott Alisoglu (Metal Maniacs).

"Riffs and leads soar like that of the mythical phoenix, barbarous rhythms resound from the bowels of hell, and inhumane vocals of the Dissection kind mutilate and eviscerate. That being said, if you have a predilection toward mid to late '80s thrash, Deadnight is most certainly your cup o' tea. "

8/10 - Jason Deaville (Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles)
"Tracks like Burned Alive, Keeper of Souls, Unholy Revenge and Die with Me are tight-as-fuck, blistering assaults packed and overflowing with enough Destruction/Kreator-like riff-work to transport you back in time to the mid 80’s faster than you can buckle your fucking bullet belt. Throw in a cover painting by "Ken McCracken" that would have been right at home on any King Diamond vinyl and you have one of the most essential metallic purchases of the year."

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Artas - Gangsta's Paradise (Coolio cover)

Artas - The Healing

Gangsta's Paradise是一首由Coolio演唱,並於於1995與電影結合,有關幫派生活的黑暗嘻哈樂曲。

這首歌更於"告示牌至今最佳樂曲(Billboard's Greatest Songs of All-Time)"第69名,更是1995年最佳銷售單曲。

歌詞的開頭更引用了詩篇第23篇(Psalm 23)的內容:
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

I take a look at my life and realize there's nuttin' left



"Gangsta's Paradise" is a rap song by Coolio featuring L.V.. The song was released on the Coolio album Gangsta's Paradise, as well as the Dangerous Minds soundtrack in 1995. Coolio was awarded a Grammy for Best Rap Solo Performance and two MTV VMA for Best Rap Video and for Best Video from a Film and a Billboard Music Award for the song/album. The song was voted as the best single of the year in The Village Voice Pazz & Jop critics poll.   

The song was also listed at number 69 on Billboard's Greatest Songs of All-Time and number one biggest selling single of 1995 on U.S. Billboard. In 2008, it was ranked number 38 on VH1's 100 Greatest Songs of Hip Hop



WELCOME STRANGER from Riley Blakeway on Vimeo.

強調灑脫生活風格的THRILLS,與澳洲牛仔褲 WRANGLER,這次一同聯盟推出雙方理念交會點的產品。THRILLS X WRANGLER

這次更請到Riley Blakeway為本次合作拍攝了一部長達7分鐘的為電影,充滿懸疑、緊張的氣氛,配上澳洲特有的灑脫生活態度,讓這次聯盟的產品 THRILLS X WRANGLER,更具特色。

Wrangler Australia - Keeping good company with the THRILLS X WRANGLER limited edition product capsule, we’re excited to introduce another collaborative project:


Written & Directed by Riley Blakeway

The short film is set in THRILLS’ hometown, Byron Bay, starring Vinnie Woolston, Emily Jean Bester & locals Tahnee Pinches & Mike Pringle.

Produced by Wrangler
Original score by Ali Helnwein
Styled by Jessica Roberts
Hair & Make Up - Jody Oliver
Props by Thrills Co
Assistant - Matthew O'Brien
Special Thanks - Jason Lee Parry

Shot on the Red Epic.

VAT19 - Energy Gummy Bears 能量小熊軟糖

Energy Gummy Bears

AEROSHOT曾經發明吸食用的咖啡因"AEROSHOT ENERGY"在極限運動借造成不少的轟動,但其強烈的衝擊口感讓部分消費者無法接受。

但現在VAT19發表了融合咖啡因功用與小熊軟糖甜蜜口感的"Energy Gummy Bears",在一包咖啡因容量相當於一罐RedBull的條件下,讓你在攝取咖啡因時能夠想起兒時小熊軟糖在嘴裡的甜蜜口感。

延伸閱讀 : AEROSHOT Rime Review 食用評測

Energy Gummy Bears

Energy Gummy Bears


Energy Gummy Bears are the chewable, delicious candy bear we all know and love infused with the energy-boosting ingredients found in popular energy drinks.

Featuring natural caffeine from guarana extract, each 60-calorie pack of Energy Gummy Bears is equivalent to a single energy drink without the excessive amounts of sugar and caffeine.

Made in the USA, Energy Gummy Bears are chock-full of B-complex vitamins, antioxidants, protein, and delicious gummy flavor. Try trading out that energy drink for a pack of Energy Gummy Bears. Available in single and bulk packs.

Features & specs:

  • One pack is equivalent to one energy drink
  • Only 60 calories per serving
  • Taste really darned good
  • Natural (not processed) caffeine
  • Made in the USA



Life and death in Aleppo 敘利亞內戰的生與死

GlobalPost 報社的 Tracey Shelton 於2012年9月刊登了,敘利亞內戰結至目前為止最令人震撼的照片與影片。


Aleppo(阿勒頗)的FSY(Free Syrian Army, 敘利亞自由軍)大部分都是由城市內的居民組成,他們以前都是老師、學生或者是勞工。 有時候他們就跟平常人一樣,聊天、嘴炮、喝茶或者想念已逃離的家人。


Tracey Shelton Life and death in Aleppo, From left to right: Issa Aiash, 30, father of three, his young brother Ahmed, 17, and Sheihk Mamoud, 42, father of a newborn son, laugh and joke as they clean their post Saturday.(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)
From left to right: Issa Aiash, 30, father of three, his young brother Ahmed, 17, and Sheihk Mamoud, 42, father of a newborn son, laugh and joke as they clean their post Saturday.
由左至右 Issa Aiash 30歲,三個孩子的爸;他17歲的弟弟Ahmed;Sheihk Mamoud 42歲,剛做人父。 三人一同清掃路障與聊天。
(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)

Tracey Shelton Life and death in Aleppo, A call comes through that a tank was spotted nearby. The men immediately grab weapons.(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)
A call comes through that a tank was spotted nearby. The men immediately grab weapons.
(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)

Tracey Shelton Life and death in Aleppo, Within seconds the tank blast has already hit.(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)
Within seconds the tank blast has already hit.
(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)

Tracey Shelton Life and death in Aleppo, Debris and smoke fill the street around 30 meters back - covering me and the camera in dust.(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)
Debris and smoke fill the street around 30 meters back - covering me and the camera in dust.
(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)

Tracey Shelton Life and death in Aleppo, This man was the only survivor.(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)
This man was the only survivor.
(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)

Tracey Shelton Life and death in Aleppo, He escaped with injuries.(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)
He escaped with injuries.
(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)

Tracey Shelton Life and death in Aleppo, It took several minutes before the dust cleared enough to check for more survivors, but there was nothing we could do.(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)
It took several minutes before the dust cleared enough to check for more survivors, but there was nothing we could do.
(Tracey Shelton - GlobalPost)

More from Tracey Shelton: Not everyone hates Bashar al-Assad
This narrow street had become a makeshift home for the men. Lounge chairs salvaged from abandoned homes formed an area for chatting and drinking tea. Meals were prepared on a grass mat in the middle of the street. We slept in a room on the lower floor in case of air raids. Lookouts were posted at each street corner to both watch and listen for new sniper positions and approaching troops and tanks.
On this morning, the men were relaxed and joking around as they cleaned their area from a tank attack the day before. That time, they had been prepared and the tank had fired too short. This time, the assault came with little warning.
More from Tracey Shelton: Surviving Aleppo (VIDEO)
As the cloud of smoke engulfed the street we ran back and frantically waited for the others to escape through the dust and debris. But no one came. In that split second, three men were reduced to broken, bleeding masses.
After a few minutes of disorientation, a vehicle arrived to transport the bodies. The survivors washed away the blood and flesh in a heartbreaking clean up.
New fighters came to take their posts. And the battle continued.
More from GlobalPost: Complete coverage from Inside Syria
Follow Tracey Shelton on Twitter: @Tracey_Shelton
War syria news syria war 2011 syria war usa syria war photos syria war russia syria war map syria war imminent syria war footage 2012