

Gunstruction 虛擬製槍網站 APP

Gunstruction 虛擬製槍網站 APP

Gunstruction 虛擬製槍網站 APP

Gunstruction 是一個線上全3D的虛擬製槍網站,你可以選擇你所需要的零件,與噴漆顏色,甚至網站也可以幫你追蹤你所安裝零件的價格,這絕對是一個對生存玩家相當有用的網站。後續Gunstruction也會推出手機與平板版本。

GUNSTRUCTION is the first online, 3D, fully customizable weapon builder. Through their web app, you’re able to build a gun from scratch and customize everything from pin sets to optics and camo patterns. They feature real parts from top manufacturers and even keep track on the cost of the parts you use if you’re looking to keep things on a budget. This is certainly a useful tool if you’re wanting to build your own rifle.
We got to meet the GUNSTRUCTION crew at SHOT Show this year and eagerly went back home to test things out and “build” a few rifles. They’re working continuously to make things run smoothly as well as add new parts and products as often as possible.
Even if you’re not currently looking to build a new rifle, playing around with the available options is a great way to see how a build will turn out. There’s even a reddit user that built a gun online and then ordered the parts to build it in person.

Project Skyborn - short film

Project Skyborn - short film

Project Skyborn - short film from Marko Slavnic on Vimeo.

Marko Slavnic 拍攝的科幻短片,由一群從天而降的特種部隊成員在一個冰凍的新球下決一死戰。

A suspensful short science fiction film, directed by Marko Slavnic in which combatants must fight to the death on mysterious icy planet, though they have no idea why. Think The Hunger Games meets Moon. With plasma rifles


辦公室彈射座椅 Office Ejection Seat

辦公室彈射座椅 Office Ejection Seat


By Andrew Liszewski
This office chair made from an authentic F-4 Phantom ejection seat is a fantastic way to exit a meeting where things aren’t going the way you’d like. Instead of storming out and slamming the door, you can simply pull the ejection lever and blast your way out. Although… I guess it would work best if the meeting was being held outside, or anywhere without a ceiling. And you’d probably want to wear a parachute just in case. Not to mention there’s a good chance the rockets used to propel the ejection seat upwards have probably been removed. Hmm… Well maybe the idea isn’t as solid as I first thought, but the chair’s still really cool.
(Image courtesy MotoArt)



Pro-Russian Crimeans welcome Moscow's decision to send troops 

即使美國總統歐巴馬出言警告,俄羅斯國會仍批准總統蒲亭(Vladimir Putin)出兵烏克蘭的克里米亞半島,華府有沒有辦法或意願讓莫斯科當局退兵,備受世界關注。


  共和黨籍聯邦參議員馬侃(John McCain)告訴路透社:「即使總統不想把這視為冷戰情勢,但蒲亭認為,美國在全球表現軟弱,鼓勵他(這麼做)。」



  1997年至2001年擔任美國駐俄羅斯大使的柯林斯(James Collins)說,跟俄羅斯2008年與喬治亞的戰爭相比,「就損害俄羅斯與歐美的關係來說,這次可能更嚴重」。

  本週稍早剛離開駐俄羅斯大使職位的麥弗爾(Michael McFaul)說,雖然目前考慮經濟制裁還為時過早,「但如果俄羅斯執意持續在克里米亞的作為,將會有採取懲罰性行動的時機」。


  目前華府仍與莫斯科進行高層對話。除了歐巴馬跟蒲亭通電話外,國防部說,部長黑格(Chuck Hagel)今天(2日)也跟俄羅斯國防部長通話,表示俄羅斯軍事介入可能使局勢惡化,危及歐洲和國際安全。


