

荒野求生 - 如何收集乾淨純水

What to do when you run out of water


今天介紹的是蒸餾集水法,這種方法雖然緩慢但是卻可以達到一定的效果。 且最適合用於亞熱帶地區,當氣溫雨水都相對足夠的時候。


So you have no potable water, no filter, and the big thirst is starting to kick in. Drinking untreated water may give rise to more problems than you already have, but you can distill your own pure water with only a pot, a cup and a clear plastic bag (or maybe a part of your groundsheet). The objective is to encourage water to evaporate from the pot, condense on the plastic and then collect in the cup. Find a sunny spot where your still won’t be disturbed. Place the cup in the centre of the pot and fill the bottom of the pot with untreated water, but not so much that the cup floats.

What to do when you run out of water


Cover the pot with the clear plastic. Use a stone to weigh down the centre of the plastic so an inverted cone forms, pointing down toward the cup. 

What to do when you run out of water


As the pot warms in the sun the untreated water will evaporate, condense on the plastic, roll down to the centre and drip into the cup. Given sunny conditions, you’ll produce enough water to keep yourself alive while you search for a twist of lemon to liven things up.

文章來自: http://explore-mag.com/

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