

(圖+影)2013 瑞典珠寶店警匪槍戰 Södertälje Jewelry Robbery 2013


槍戰發生於瑞典首都斯德哥爾摩南方,35公里處 的一家購物中心,闖進四名武裝搶匪,搶劫一家珠寶店,結果槍聲驚動兩百公尺外的警局,員警立刻展開圍捕行動,四名搶匪一看苗頭不動,企圖駕車逃逸,結果一 名搶匪被警方擊中,受傷倒地,但其餘三名搶匪顧不得夥伴,趕緊上車逃命,慌亂中還撞到燈號,但警方佈下天羅地網,展開緝捕行動,發現搶匪偷來的贓車,並循 線逮捕在逃的三名搶匪,已經針對這起搶劫案,展開調查。

Swedish police left an armed robber fighting for his life after they shot him in the head during a dramatic lunchtime fire-exchange.
The 26-year-old man and three accomplices armed with AK47 assault rifles robbed a small jewellery shop in a shopping centre – located just 200 metres (650 ft) from the police station.

When the gang made a dash for their getaway car they were surprised by civilian dressed police and began a shoot-out in front of shocked bystanders on the high street in Sodertalje, 22 miles south of the Swedish capital Stockholm.

The man was taken by helicopter to Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm where he is being treated for life-threatening injuries, Swedish police said in a statement.

Two men, 19 and 22, have been arrested on suspicion of robbery and a female relative of the 19-year-old, aged 21, is also under arrest accused of aiding the men.
A fourth man, aged 22, was later arrested accused of harbouring a criminal.

