

The Women Warriors of the FSA, 敘利亞女性自由軍肖像

Aleppo 的秘密基內這些全由女性組成的自由軍們,以行動與聲音訴說者經歷兩年仍在持續的敘利亞內戰。

The Women Warriors of the Free Syrian Army
Emerging from the shadows of their secret command outpost in the war-torn city of Aleppo, these members of an all-female fighting unit posed for portraits. Their testimony speaks of the wrenching violence of the now two-year-long Syrian uprising.

Rana, 20歲, 學生 : 我們有什麼選擇?
Rana, 20 years old, student. Rana, a member of the only all-female fighting unit of the Free Syrian Army, standing inside a secret command outpost in the city of Aleppo says: "What choice do we have?”
Sebastiano Tomada / Sipa USA 

Om Ahmad, 72歲, 三個孩子的媽, 我在Dar’a的家被兩枚炸彈炸毀,我與我的家人來到Aleppo與政府軍對抗。
Om Ahmad, 72 years old, housewife with 3 children: "My house in Dar’a was destroyed by 2 bombs…I moved to Aleppo with my family, I chose to pick up a weapon and fight the regime.”
Sebastiano Tomada / Sipa USA


Ali, 16歲學生, 西方國家認為我們沒問題,我們苦求者協助,我們的孩子、朋友、家人正無故的受苦。
Ali, 16 years old, student: "The West sees no problem in Syria, while we beg for their support, our children, friends and family are being punished, for no reason."
Sebastiano Tomada / Sipa USA 

Om Faraj, 30歲, 膝下無子, 在我丈夫面前被政府軍羞辱是我在家人面前最羞愧的事,我撿起武器,加入自由軍。
Om Faraj, 30 years old housewife, no children: "Being mistreated by a regime security guard in front of my husband was the most humiliating thing that has ever happened to my family, I picked up a weapon, I joined the fight." Sebastiano Tomada / Sipa USA 

Fadwa, 20歲, 三個孩子的寡婦, 我丈夫死於前線, 我也準備死於前線。
Fadwa, 20 years old, widow with 3 children: "My husband died on the front lines, I will die on the front lines, may God help us." Sebastiano Tomada / Sipa USA 

Khansa, 42歲, 7個孩子的媽, 我對未來感到樂觀,我們將戰勝政府軍,結束這不公平的對待。
Khansa, 42 years old, married, howsewife with 7 children: “I feel optimistic, we will defeat the regime, put an end to poverty and mistreatment.” Sebastiano Tomada / Sipa USA 

Benifet Ikhla, 27歲, 6個孩子的寡婦, 我為自由與生命而戰,我為男女平等而戰。
Benifet Ikhla, 27 years old, widow with 6 children: "I fight for life and freedom, I fight to prove that woman and man are equal." Sebastiano Tomada / Sipa USA 

Amal, 30歲, 三個孩子的媽, 我只相信上帝,其他的都將與上帝伴隨而來。
Amal, 30 years old, married, housewife with 3 children: "I'm sincere to God, that is all I need and want, the rest will come with time.” Sebastiano Tomada / Sipa USA 
Portrait of a Lady: A Female Syrian Rebel Speaks to TIME
TIME雜誌的 敘利亞女性自由軍肖像

