

Groezrock 2013 with Monster Energy

Groezrock  是每年於比利時舉辦的 Punk/Rock/Hardcore 音樂祭,近期越辦越大現在每年都有兩個舞台與約三萬多名的觀眾前往。

Groezrock is an annual music festival that takes place in Meerhout, a part of Geel, Belgium. It started out as a small rock and pop festival with a few hundred people attending, but has evolved into a large punk rock/hardcore festival, with attendances now exceeding 30000. Since 2003 there have been stages in 2 marquees. The second stage, Back-to-basics-stage, is reserved for more hardcore oriented bands. Since 2006 the festival has taken place over 2 days, and still has two stages. In 2007 the main stage was called the "We Rock Stage" and the second stage "Eastpak Core Stage".

