

Renault Speed Dating 雷諾快速約會

 來自雷諾的最新廣宣系列,Renault Speed Dating 雷諾快速約會。

真正喜歡快速的 Caroline 並不相信快速約會,但卻喜歡速度,但她能如願以償找到她的伴侶嗎?

更多資訊:  http://www.renault.be/speeddating

This is speed dating in every sense of the word and these are real "speed daters" in search of their soul mate. Among them is Caroline -- a young, sexy and charming woman. She doesn't have the same concept of "speed dating" as others.

That's why a big surprise awaits her contenders... even the most macho among them. These speed daters knew they would be filmed but had no clue why... Is it for a story? A television programme? In any case, it's an experience they won't soon forget.

Find out more on http://www.renault.be/speeddating

