

Sony Walkman 3in1 喇叭 耳機 示範影片


Sony宣布推出整合耳機、喇叭與Walkman三種功用的全新Walkman WH系列產品,分別推出WH505與WH303兩種規格。主要可透過耳機外型同時享受耳機播放、Walkman音樂儲存/播放,以及當做喇叭使用的三種主要模式。

以本體而言,WH505搭載40mm驅動單體與16GB儲存空間,而WH303則配置30mm驅動單體與4GB儲存容量,而兩者均對應Sony Walkman完整播放機能,包含Clear Bass 、 Clear Phase音效技術、喇叭使用模式下的VPT環繞音場及xLoud音效技術,同時電池續航力均可達20小時,並且支援3分鐘快充1小時使用電力的高速充電 設計。

以此設計確實相當有趣,使用者在聆聽過程中也無須擔心是否難以透過無線技術配對,或者堤防連接線材被勾到等情況,同時耳機本體亦可當做喇叭擴音使用。不過,缺點部分則在於儲存容量無法額外透過micro SD記憶卡等設備擴充。

The Sony Walkman 3-in-1 is the perfect listening device for those who demand music on the go, with the best headphones available. It integrates the Walkman technology into the high quality MDR style headphones and allows you to load up your favourite songs and playlists and take them away with you. The 3 modes allow you to listen wirelessly via the integrated Walkman, play music out loud in surround sound mode, or connected mode where you plug the headphones into your smartphone, tablet or other device and listen to music streamed by them.

