

The Lord of Salem 塞勒姆女巫案電影

由 1692 年發生於塞勒姆(Salem) 的女巫案為故事主軸,並以重金屬、撒旦、暴力為主要元素拍攝的恐怖電影 The Lord of Salem,內容雖然並未著墨於重金屬音樂,但卻可讓觀眾了解重金屬與撒旦教的密不可分的關聯因素。

1692年,美國麻薩諸塞州塞勒姆一個牧師的女兒突然得了一種怪病,隨後與她平素形影不離的7個女孩相繼出現了同樣的癥狀。從現代醫學角度講,這是「跳舞 病」的一種表現。這類癥狀的病因是一種寄生於黑麥的真菌「麥角菌」。當時人們普遍認為,讓孩子們得了怪病的真正原因,是村裡的黑人女奴提圖芭和另一個女乞 丐,還有一個孤僻的從來不去教堂的老婦人。人們對這3名女人嚴刑逼供,「女巫」和「巫師」的數量也一步步增加,先後有20多人死於這起冤案中,另有200 多人被逮捕或監禁。1992年,麻薩諸塞州議會通過決議,宣布為所有受害者恢複名譽。

極度熱愛怪物、殭屍,並且將血腥、黑暗、詭異、邪氣、鬼魅等黯黑元素融入音樂中的工業金屬狂人Rob Zombie,是具備歌手、詞曲創作、多項樂器演奏者、編劇、電影導演、漫畫家…等多重身份的全方位藝術天才。曾掌鏡多部恐怖驚悚電影「House Of 1000 Corpses」、「The Devil’s Rejects」、「Halloween」、「Halloween II」,並開出長紅票房,2013年推出的【The Lords Of Salem】,延續Rob Zomie式的殭屍驚悚風格,並涉及搖滾、女巫、性、鮮血、地獄詛咒等元素,Rob的妻子Sheri Moon Zombie在戲中擔任女主角,全力相挺。

電影原聲帶並未收錄Rob Zombie自己的音樂作品,而是特別邀請Marilyn Manson前吉他手、現任Rob Zombie御用樂手的John 5全權掌控配樂,並且協同曾主鎮The Black Eyed Peas、Wiz Khalifa、The Saturdays等英美熱門歌手作品的Griffin Boice齊力貢獻多首曲目。另外加收The Velvet Underground、Rush、Rick James等超級樂團/歌手的經典好歌。

The Lords of Salem is a 2012 American independent horror film written, produced and directed by Rob Zombie, and starring Sheri Moon Zombie, Bruce Davison, Judy Geeson, Patricia Quinn, Dee Wallace, Jeff Daniel Phillips, and Meg Foster. The plot focuses on a troubled female disc jockey in Salem, Massachusetts, whose life becomes entangled with a coven of ancient witches. The film also includes brief cameos by horror icons Michael Berryman, Udo Kier, Clint Howard, and Camille Keaton.

The film started shooting on October 17, 2011 and premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 10, 2012. Rob Zombie's novelization of The Lords of Salem was released on March 12, 2013 and the film was given a limited release on April 19, 2013.[2][3] The film received mixed reception.

Heidi, a blond rock chick, DJs at a local radio station, and together with the two Hermans (Whitey and Munster) forms part of the "Big H Radio Team." A mysterious wooden box containing a vinyl record arrives for Heidi, a gift of the Lords. She assumes it's a rock band on a mission to spread their word. As Heidi and Whitey play the Lords' record, it starts to play backwards, and Heidi experiences a flashback to a past trauma. Later, Whitey plays the Lords' record, dubbing them the Lords of Salem, and to his surprise, the record plays normally and is a massive hit with his listeners. The arrival of another wooden box from the Lords presents the Big H team with free tickets, posters and records to host a gig in Salem. Soon, Heidi and her cohorts are far from the rock spectacle they're expecting. The original Lords of Salem are returning and they're out for blood. Written by UHM

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