

SHOEI RF-1200 安全帽 介紹影片

SHOEI RF-1200 安全帽 介紹影片

SHOEI RF-1200 安全帽為至今 SHOEI 做過最優良的安全帽,此安全帽可在任何車系上使用,美式重機安全帽,或是賽車用安全帽,還是街車安全帽。

Around every corner is a brand new adventure, and with that comes the uncontrollable desire to push the limits while exploring the exciting unknown. We at SHOEI know that feeling quite well, which is precisely why we never stop pushing progression within our line of premium motorcycle helmets.

Enter the all-new RF-1200. With a world-class team of designers and engineers leading the charge, SHOEI utilized its 55-year wealth of knowledge, state-of-the-art wind tunnel facility, proprietary materials, and the industry’s most stringent quality assurance practices to develop the next-generation RF. A lighter, more compact, streamlined helmet with next-level functionality,

SHOEI’s RF-1200 has evolved the pursuit of perfection to an all-new level.

