

台灣牡蠣 電影預告 The Taiwan Oyster Trailer

2012《城市遊牧影展》選片。  一名外籍老師死後無人認領屍體,兩個和他根本不熟的朋友擅自決定「綁架屍體」,帶他沿著台灣東海岸尋找適合下葬的地點。逃亡旅程上,他們遇見了原住民朋友、友善的村民、惡劣的流氓等各式樣貌的台灣人,發生一連串荒謬又動人的插曲……。  導演馬克賈瑞(Mark Jarrett)曾於1999年來台,2001年返美後隨即投入影視相關工作,曾參與去年坎城金棕櫚得主《永生樹》的製作。本片為他的導演處女作,在閱讀了福克納的小說《我彌留之際》後受其啟發,將眼中的台灣與人情幻化為生動的電影角色,並於美麗的東海岸拍攝,更替這部公路電影增添了令人屏息的沿途風景。 

After the tragic death of a newly arrived Ex-pat, ESL kindergarten teachers Simon and Darin, steal the corpse in order to perform the final rites for the fallen stranger. Their quest for the perfect burial spot becomes a quixotic odyssey along Taiwan's picturesque East Coast Highway, where they encounter welcoming families, violent gangsters, personal demons, and Nikita, their traveling companion. The duty, transport, and dementia fueled by frequent substance abuse, ignites an internalization in all three characters as they define their personal feelings concerning mortality, purpose, burial rites and the concept of legacy.

